Vermin Issue - recomendations?

GM Everyone:

So we live on a marsh and I know that vermin are going to be an issue.

However, things are getting out of hand and I think rats have gotten into the house. I checked the attic and found dropping, Gregory Pest control confirmed and they set traps. One of the issues if we have exposed duct work in area under house.

So, I think i need to bite the bullet and get serious about enclosing duct work and just generally vermin proofing house.

Ive had a bad experience or two with large franchise type operations, can anyone recommend some one local to do a survey and do the work?

Thanks in advance

I’m not a Dr, those are my initials and I cant edit my user name. Please do not contact me regarding medical issues :slight_smile:

My company does that type of work but I would be happy to refer you to Leigh Anne Williams
They’re a small local company and there’s none better for what you need. PM me if you want Leigh Anne’s cell number.

I know someone who lives on a marsh and had the same problem. The CDC (center for disease control) web site has some very effective information on how to deal with rats.

Good luck


You need to get a couple of ferrets and a terrier like Jack Black. I thought you were from England.

I second for Liegh Anne Williams. I lived on the marsh downtown Hampton Park area and have seen first hand how bad it can get quickly. For us it was a combination of dog food storage and a dryer vent. BOOM! I rented that house for almost four years before buying on James Island. Lived in my current home for twelve years when I heard the tell tail sounds one night. We called Williams Wildlife Removal and she was awesome. Totally secured our house from the top of the chimney down. Work is very professional. She told me her only problems have been with customers who have done home improvements that have damaged her work. We have now been in the home for an additional three years issue free.

Karma is 360 degrees

“If fishing were easy it would be called your mom”

Pellet gun, cold soda, flash light = fun time.

Double D.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Dito on the dryer vent, when I was fishing Mobile bay a few years ago my wife called and said the dryer would not start, so called the neighbor and he took it apart and found parts of a possum in the fan.
The booger had chewed off the cover and crawled about 30’ to the dryer while it was running and bingo!

Originally posted by Double D

Pellet gun, cold adult</font id=“red”> soda, flash light = fun time.

Double D.

dang rats… Cold weather and they will squeeze through the smallest hole to find a warm home. About as bad as Palmetto bugs.

Thanks guys, love the terrier idea sman
I spoke with Leigh Anne and one of her techs is coming over tomorrow.
I also spoke with another gentleman as I think I’m going to need some duct work enclosed which Leigh Ann doesn’t do.

Thanks again

I’m not a Dr, those are my initials and I cant edit my user name. Please do not contact me regarding medical issues :slight_smile:

I have 2 Min Pins and they are pretty wicked lil vermin getters. My little male it almost to rough. If he finds kittens less than 2 weeks old they do not make it. Now my Female would bring the kittens in and put them in my chair:smiley: She gets after the ground moles, do not have any mice or rat problem with that crew. I put Rat poison in my attic when I first moved into the house , did not know if it was Squirrels or rats. They ended up chewing through my washer hoses twice. I guess the poison makes them crave water. It had me bewildered for a couple weeks and then I spoke with an exterminator and they explained the issue. Good luck