Vessel Certificate of Documentation renewal

Just read a post on THT.

Renewal forms are mailed out by the and can be completed easily (now they are charging $26).

U.S. Vessel Documentation / U.S. Marine Surveyors, Inc. sends out a hand saluting form to complete the process for ya to the tune of $75.

Seems like some local folks attended a seminar given by Bonzo72’s Nigerian experts.

What does this mean?

Normally a simple renewal notice comes by mail or email (I forget which) from the govmnt. As long as there are no changes to be made it’s a walk in the park to complete and ya pay $26. Sign, date and lick a stamp.

Non-govmnt outfit somehow has access to a listing of Documented vessels and are sending out paperwork resembling govmnt artwork that offer to do all the intense laborious work for only $75.

Comment about Bonzo’s buddies was sarcasm related to those clowns who put as much effort in a con as regular folks @ work.