Veterans Health Care update

About 6 months ago I received a letter from the VA! It informed me that all Viet Nam era vets, needed to be tested for Hep C. I was tested and was clear! What they didn’t say, was that the Military may have exposed you to the virus! If anyone can remember going through the lines, when they used the air powered jet guns to give you shots, you need tested! They found out long ago that they were spreading the HEP virus by using the air powered guns, because they didn’t clean them after each shot! They will test you and if you test positive they will spring for the new HEP C drug. We are talking about $1,000 a pill every day for 12 weeks. That’s a lot of money! Get tested!

Thanks man. I remember standing in that line. No hair, clothes that don’t fit. 18 years old and scared ####less. Such fond memories.

You have me on the Vietnam era, but I remember locking arms two by two and taking a few in one arm, swapping sides and taking a couple in the other arm. Still have scars from it.

I pitted those that flinched and moved. Got sliced like a razor hit em. Remember several passed out and bleeding on the way out! Oh the good old days!

On a positive note I have had some wonderful help from the VA since Trump took office!! GO TRUMP!

Easy , Did you test through the VA or family dr.???

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Went thru those air shots in 84. No locked arms, just moved along. Did not want to flinch for sure, or would get sliced.

I was Army, and if memory serves me right, they had line of Air Force recruits adjacent to us that they allowed to lay down before blasting, lol.

Got more, but with needle prior to going to Korea in 87.

Disclaimer; no comparing with Easy, Cracker, Gail, WallyB etc.


Gail, I tested at the VA! It’s my thought that there was a test for Hep, back then, but no test for Hep C. Don’t think they even knew there was a Hep, B and C. They just lumped them all together and it was Hep! Only in later years did they make the distinction between the strains! They have also discovered Liver Flukes in Viet Vets that are still in them and causing cancer! Oh man, the war that keeps on giving! Agent Orange/Hep/Liver Flukes/PTSD! What next:question: