vhf handheld??

We always had an onboard vhf on the offshore boat. New boat used for inshore doesn’t need any hang ups. Any handhelds out there with good range. I’m waiting on the grouper to get a little closer in. Recommendations please


Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Icom, or Standard.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

What range would an Icom handheld get? 10 miles? 35 miles? Thank you for the quick replies.

I wouldn’t count on more than 10, less than that if it’s boat to boat. Talking to the Coast Guard station with a tall antenna it may go more than 10, not much more.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I wouldn’t trust it for over 5/6 miles on a good day!

35 miles?

No way. That’s pushing it even for a full size 25 watt unit with a fairly large antenna, unless you are talking to a land station with a very tall antenna. I’ve talked to CG Tybee and Charleston from 50 miles, with a real good radio and a real good antenna on the T-top. I’ve made phone calls from the Bahamas thru the VHF marine operator in West Palm Beach from 60 or 70 miles, with my antenna on top a 40’ sailboat mast and the marine operator’s probably on top of a TV station tower.

A hand held is only 5 watts and the antenna is very short. VHF transmission is basically line of sight. It won’t talk farther than it’s horizon, antenna to antenna, they both need to “see” each other, if that makes sense.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Yep Larry, I think line of sight on the water is something like 7 miles because of the curvature of the earth:question: Of course that depends on how high you are above the water.

I think that 7 miles is considered the standard horizon for a 6’ height of eye. There is a formula for how much it extends per every foot of increase, but it’s too late for me to look for it now.

Like Easy said, trust it to about 5-7 miles, unless you are talking to a station with a 200’ antenna tower.

Edit: or a CG helicopter, who can get some serious antenna height :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Thank you guys. Everything ya’ll said makes sense… my thoughts exactly

Just keep in mind, you won’t get that range in BAD weather/storm/rain/ect.

Be safe,

07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”


Yep, I bought a Standard Horizon handheld for my little boat and got to where I didn’t know if I trusted it. I then went and put a fixed mount on it. I still carry the handheld, but only as a back up.

Even with a perfectly running boat I would be very hesitant to run offshore without a mounted antenna and radio.

I understand about the hang-ups on the inshore boat but things can get bad super quick even if 5-10miles offshore.

Hope you wear out the groupers and stay safe.

Good luck and be safe.

A lot of hand helds antennas come off and you can plug in a fix mount antenna to that fitting and gain extra range but as Larry said it only has 5 watts! I use my Standard as an extra for emg. use when off shore But can’t beat the 25 W fix mount with the antenns rigged on the top of the fly bridge or as high as possable

Hope everyone is paying attention.

Always carry a reliable hand-held. It’s the last resort, I think of mine as a way to talk to the helo while they are lowering the basket. Seriously, it’s only 5 watts. Even if it had a longer antenna it still wouldn’t be able to push the signal. If you are planning on going past the breakers you need a fixed mount antenna and a good 25 watt radio.

218WA Sailfish
200 Verado
The "Penn"sion Plan

Getting a bigger antenna to swap for the stock one on the handheld can help increase your range, but not beyond certain physical limits. That being said, its probably still worth looking for an extra antenna if you want to get the most out of just a handheld. (and they’re not really that expensive an addition)

2002 Key West 1900CC

I came across some young guys at R8 a few weeks ago who had run their OB out of motor oil.
Not to bright! Anyway, they told me their radio wasn’t working either. Not to bright! It was 4pm. I called the coast guard and they told me to ask the guys if they had food and water. I assume they were wondering if the guys would be OK for the night. At that point the young captain (ahem) ask if he should drop his anchor. Dumb question. Anyway, I told the guy to check his radio and make sure the 1/25 watt button was in 25. Huh? Now all the sudden he can talk to the coast guard. Geeze The Coast Guard said they’d get ahold of Sea Tow and send them out. At that point we got out of there. It was gett’n late. Not sure what the point is accept maybe …get a clue before you go

19ft. Carolina Skiff
w/115hp Yamaha 4stroke
27ft. Contender
w/twin 225hp Yamaha 4stroke

Yep all wise good info. Thank you again. I have done a lot on the water and safety equipment is not something to half ass. I respect everything around me. :slight_smile:

So what are you going to do/get:question: Inquiring minds want to know!