Vietnam veterans day.

You guys were are unthinked heroes. I could not imagine what it would be like to get off the plane and having people protesting you. I stand and salute every one of you. Y’all are true heroes!!!

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

Originally posted by Off the chain

You guys were are unthinked heroes. I could not imagine what it would be like to get off the plane and having people protesting you. I stand and salute every one of you. Y’all are true heroes!!!

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

Thanked… :smiley::smiley:

I was just a squalling baby when Dad returned home. I can only imagine how bad it was for those that risked all for our country returning home to be spit on… God bless America, and those that gave an oath to protect those that did the spitting.

I think it is a shame and gave rise to the pizz poor liberals that want socialism.

Why Bruce?.. the ramblings of a disillusioned Hillary supporter.

Originally posted by poly ball

I believe Fred could witness trump pissing on an old homeless lady, and he’d tell him he’s doing a hell of a job, really soaking her.