Wahoos with photos

We went out last Friday toward Winyah Scarp to target Wahoos. The Scarp was covered up in Sargasso Weed and it was frustrating trying to constantly clear weeds.

The planer rod got tripped and had a giant cluster of weeds and was kicking up some white water. I reeled it in and lo and behold, there was a 27 pound wahoo attached to the hook and weed cluster. Fish salad you could call it. Oh well, that was our first for the day even if it was not the most exciting catch or fight taking no drag on the Tiagra 80.

We moved more to the north and then shallower to try to get away from the weeds. No love at the inshore wahoo rock despite cutoffs probably from Kings or Barracudas. We high speed trolled Ballyhood Cowbells back toward MacMarlen Ledge. The weeds for some reason were less and one of the High Speed lures got hit. 20+ pound wahoo was number two in the boat.

Then we got bit by a much better wahoo on the back Cowbell. Matt fought it and it gave him a tussle almost taking him to the deck when it decided not to come any closer to the boat and then decided to switch sides. I gaffed it and it was about 56 inches+ and too long to fit in my 60 inch long OIFC triangular fish bag until I kept pushing and she poked her nose through a seam which now created a hole in my bag. The fish was skinny and is pictured below with 6 foot 2 inch Matt giving some perspective on the size.

We ran my Contender 35ST in on beautiful Lake Atlantic at 47 mph (1.15 mpg) trying to conserve a little gas and then 55-64mph to beat a thunderstorm . The triple Yamaha F300s were getting 1.5 mpg in the ocean at 35 mph, but who the heck can lug along at that speed with a flat ocean. All in all a decent day which would have produced better without the weeds.

Nice job! I like your boat, we always give it a long look leaving the canal.

Nice! what was your speed with the cowbells?
I have a set and have yet to be successful with them.

19ft. Carolina Skiff
w/115hp Yamaha 4stroke
30ft. Contender
w/twin 225hp Yamaha 4stroke

Pretty colors on the Hoo. Looks like you got a skirt trim job.

26 Seahunt
Angler’s Dream

Scoobie, thanks for the compliment.

Afishianado, I was trolling 12 to 14 mph. The great thing about Cowbells is that you do not need any trolling weights! I run three at different positions 200 to 300 feet for one, 150 to 200 feet for a second, and 75 to 100 feet for the close one. I have caught multiple wahoo every time I have used the cowbells. Don’t give up on them. I would probably troll a little faster if my boat liked to high speed troll comfortably at a faster speed.

Jordan, yep, probably need to reskirt this red one. There is an option to send it back in for reconditioning to Ballyhood. Anyone ever reskirted their own?

Fishin’ Physician
Contender 35ST with Triple Yamaha F300 4 Strokes

Ballyhood sells/gives you reskirt kits. I need to redo one right now as well. i don’t think it is very hard. It has directions in the kit but I haven’t had time to open yet. Good work on the hoos

Nothing prettier than a freshly caught wahoo.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

What speed do Yall catch most of your wahoo at when trolling the cowbells?