Wando Report. A lot of Firsts

Not long ago, I sold my Walk Around boat and got a kayak to give this inshore fishing thing a try. Well today was the maiden fishing voyage.

Met up with my other first time kayak fishing buddy and we get the kayaks in the water. Ran into Too Busy at the launch. He had a charter meeting him there. Nice to meet you. I was the guy in the Native Mariner. Get everthing loaded and off we go.

Headed into a creek and starting thowing top water with no luck. But shrimp are busting all around me. So I get the cast net out and get some in the bait bucket. Head next to some docks and I start throwing a Gulp jerk shad. I hook up with a nice flounder and get it in the kayak. Go to put it in the cooler and the (**() thing jumps right out of the cooler and into the water.:roll_eyes:. As I go to try to catch it, my sunglasses ($150 worth) swim down with the flounder as well. :frowning_face: So not a great start.

I move to another dock and I hook into a rat red.

Go a while longer with nothing biting till the tide begins to come in. Set up shop on an oyster bed at this point and me and my buddy proceed to put a couple reds in the box. Caught on a mix of pinfish, small croaker, and shrimp.

So this was my first kayak fishing trip and my first fish caught from a kayak. And this was really my first inshore fishing trip since moving to Charleston a little over a year ago. Not too bad I suppose.

Total was four reds between me and my buddy. All 17" to 20".


Excellent job acrossed the board! (Except the shades):roll_eyes:. The kayak urge is growing in me. I’ve yet to read the “I fished from a kayak and hated it!” story and it sounds fun! Cheaper than replacing existing tank (boat) to get skinny!

What flavor grub did they gnaw on?

19.5 Triumph, 115 HP Honda
“Every saint has a past, every sinner a future”

Good meeting you this morning. Congrats on an overall successful trip.
Stinks that the shades went for a swim. I wish I could say it never happened to me, but so far I’ve doanted the following to Davy Jones locker: Sunglasses, perscription glasses, another pair of sunglasses, bait bucket, cast net, another bait bucket, blackberry, and 2 rod and reel combos.

I must be getting a little better b/c I haven’t made a donation lately.

Who’s Ready for a Sleigh Ride? www.KayakFishSC.com

Originally posted by Vinman

What flavor grub did they gnaw on?

Molting Gulp Jerk Shad seemed to work as far as artificial goes today. But live bait was the ticket that caught the keepers.

Only done the yak fishing thing once but really did enjoy it. Looking to get a second fishable yak sometime in the future. Other than the sunglasses loss, sounds like a good day on the water in my book. Buy you a pair of Peppers, they have a who;e series of sunglasses that float, are polarized and only cost about $35.00. They are nice sunglasses for the money.

Nice yak fishin is fun, but I yet to have to get some fish in the boat. Haven’t done to well this summer, but the sharks have been fun.

“In every species of fish I’ve angled for, it is the ones that have got away that thrill me the most, the ones that keep fresh in my memory. So I say it is good to lose fish. If we didn’t, much of the thrill of angling would be gone.” Ray Bergman

You went all out for your first yak…very nice.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

consider the lost sunglasses an offering to Neptune! In return, he allowed you to land some redfish for dinner!!

btw…how does one through a cast net from a kayak???

Originally posted by sea tonic

btw…how does one through a cast net from a kayak???

That is one of the very reasons I went ahead and got the kayak that I did and didn’t want to waste time and money upgrading. I fully researched them before I bought and tried them out. The native mariner has a tunnel/pontoon style hull that is the most stable out of any kayak. I can stand up, and pretty much walk around in this thing almost. Throwing a cast net was pretty easy. I liked the Hobie kayaks, but the native mariner had flat foot wells to make standing up much easier. I spent a good portion of the day yesterday standing up and casting. Even as boat wakes rocked me. It’s a nice solid fishing platform. The next best thing is a Hobie Pro Angler. And that one was another $700 compared to what I spent on this Native. So it was a no brainer.

Originally posted by sea tonic

consider the lost sunglasses an offering to Neptune! In return, he allowed you to land some redfish for dinner!!

btw…how does one through a cast net from a kayak???

This is how you throw a cast net sitting down

Who’s Ready for a Sleigh Ride? www.KayakFishSC.com

Originally posted by Too Busy
Originally posted by sea tonic

consider the lost sunglasses an offering to Neptune! In return, he allowed you to land some redfish for dinner!!

btw…how does one through a cast net from a kayak???

This is how you throw a cast net sitting down

Or you can do that. Great video.

Too Cool, Too Busy, What size net are you throwing? I have a 6’, 1/4" nylon that I really like and have thought about getting a 4’ or 5’ to take on the yak.

Congrats on your first yak trip…a successful trip with fish!

First year I lost 2 phones and a non-waterproof GPS. Since then, nada. Everything is tied down or waterproof. :slight_smile:

Tidewater 196DC
Yamaha F115

Pungo 120