Was this a car or boat?

This is not something you see every day.</font id=“size3”>

That’s too cool. Think i can get it to the ledge?

Sweet…Where was this at?

Looks like GCR

Originally posted by dav90

Looks like GCR

It was.


Guess it takes away the hassle of loading and unloading! But does Triple A still do roadside assistance? lol

17’ High Tide CC
60 Yamaha

Google boat car and see more. This one is kinda special…


I knew a guy named Terry who had one of those. I always wanted to go for a ride in it when I was a kid.

Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole

I would think the salt water would consume that thing in no time!

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

Crazy for going in GCR in that. Too many huge gators to chancing swimming with them. Cool ride though.

Originally posted by Harleyfreak78

Crazy for going in GCR in that. Too many huge gators to chancing swimming with them. Cool ride though.

Just roll the windows up. :smiley:

Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole

There is actually 2 of them in the Charleston area. The other one is a different color. Was sitting at Bushy one day when it rolled down the ramp on the brackish side.There was an old black man sitting on the dock drinkin and he bout fell in the water when it went splashin by. One of them belongs to a professor at CSU.

1720 KW 110 Johnson
16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Originally posted by carolinacoot

There is actually 2 of them in the Charleston area. The other one is a different color. Was sitting at Bushy one day when it rolled down the ramp on the brackish side.There was an old black man sitting on the dock drinkin and he bout fell in the water when it went splashin by. One of them belongs to a professor at CSU.

1720 KW 110 Johnson
16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

This one is the professor?s.


Were you guys tipped off by the CSU flags on the car? :smiley:

That thing is pretty awesome, but what happens when they get waked? Better have a wetsuit on!

Wonder where you get parts for it?

This may be a dumb question but, What is GCR?

  • I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.

[quote]Originally posted by jimmyaadams

This may be a dumb question but, What is GCR?

G</font id=“size4”>oose C</font id=“size4”>reek R</font id=“size4”>eservoir


Wow how did I not see this so long ago… awesome

“you win some, you lose some…but nothing beats getting some!”

I think it is a piece of crap!! I didnt see the first rod holder or livewell!!!:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

A bad day fishing is much better than a good day at work.

Saw this at the Steel Pony car show not too long ago…