With 5 days of abnormally cool weather, the water in the harbor has cooled to 76 degrees. I’m curious on everyone’s thoughts on what, if anything, this does to fishing both inshore, nearshore and offshore.
I would think the mass amount of rain would do more. I caught bait yesterday in the backwaters and the crabs and shrimps were all soft shelled. Old timers say a lot of rain can do it and that’s why they usually flush out the creeks and the fish follow. There were no mullet around back there and there is usually a ton. Folly beach was covered up in smeduim menhadden which where in the river prior. In my opinion I like to fish inlets and creek mouths that meet the main river when a lot of rain comes. I don’t think the cold front would hurt much since the water was so warm.
They’re biting pretty good,better get out there before it warms back up.
pelagic activity offshore was almost nonexistent out to 75’ yesterday, where last week there were spanish, albie, flying fish, etc all over the place. 75 degree water took a pretty good drop, definitely changes some patterns for better and some for worse. shoulda gone fishing with sman instead.