We all need to chip in for a bottle for 23sails

Since Ricky took out the trash, it sure has been peaceful around this place!!! @snickers, thanks for putting in the moderators!

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Would this be appropriate?

Lets get him one of these…

BLISSFUL DAYS would be the appropriate title for CERTAIN!

Simply amazing how much CHAOS two people can stir…

Now i am willing to bet ole Bib will report the CF site to the CORRUPT POWER REGIME if he hasn’t already.

He DID say ““you know THEY are listening””!!!#%%%

Ricky’s a good dude so I’d be down anyway but, for taking out the trash, that is extra!

It is much more civil and pleasant here and that’s the only way CF has a chance of survival. let those that like to heckle and insult carry their trash elsewhere. I’ll chip in for a nice bottle of cheer !

Hey, NB, glad to see you’re back.

Quite the difference here now.

Ricky did the right thing, but must give some credit to @snickers for finally realizing the problem, and passing authority to someone that would.

As mentioned before, surprised it wasn’t a race…


Thanks. I was ready to put the first shovel of dirt on the grave. ! Let’s keep it happy !