Wednesday flood

Waded the hell out of some flats tonight. Fish didn’t show up for the party. Saw 1 tail, caught 1. That was all that happened before too much water moved in. Walked about a mile through ankle deep water before I saw that single fish. Tough evening, but better than working.

Nice. What general area?
“I have tomorrow open!”

Did you see a lot of fiddlers or other crabs in the grass yet?
How close were you to a deeper channel when you saw the one and caught the other? Just wondering how far away from deeper water the fish were venturing.
I just got my fly gear out of storage, can’t wait to wet a line.

i went out on tuesday and was surprised at the number of fish already up on the flats. the first few we saw were just sitting there but as we kept poling we saw quite a few tails. Had one blow up on my fly but missed the hook set because i wasnt sure if he was on. They are here fellas

Fritz, south side stono river johns isle.

No fiddlers, fish was caught quite a way off the main channel