week after thanksgiving

I brought my boat out to Charleston last Oct and fished Deweys inlet and offshore for about a week. I was there for work. Im coming out again the week after thanksgiving and have decided against the long haul with the boat. I live in KY. I was wondering if anyone wanted someone to split expenses for a day if the weather is good. I can bring my own rods.

Just thought that I would add that Im not a frequent poster here but post quite a bit at the hulltruth under fordfisher.

hey man I would definitely be interested in going offshore and splitting expenses the week after thanksgiving if the weather allows. What kind of boat do you have, how far out do we plan to fish, and what fish would we be targeting? I am new to the fishing forum but not to fishing, I also have a couple good rods i could bring. Hope to here back

Go Gamecocks

Im sorry SCKing, I may not have been real clear. I meant that I was not planning on bringing my boat out to the coast this time. Last time was great but I had to pay to have it stored at IOP marina. It cost $200 just to dry dock it and its a PITA to haul 500 miles just to take it out once or twice. I stayed two weeks in OCt this time im only staying about a week. What I meant was that I would love to go out with someone local and share expenses. It sounds like you and I may be in the same boat, so to speak. (pun intended)
thanks though

gotcha…sorry didnt read that right. Well good luck hopefully someone will be wanting to go out with two spots available haha

Go Gamecocks