Wet Slip Newbie - Need Info

I’m looking to move into a boat big enough to justify leaving it in the water full time (30ft cc w/twin OB). I dry stacked my last boat, and so I would be brand new to wet slipping. Looking for a basic checklist of things to consider. I’ve already tried searching, but didn’t come up with much.

The boat will obviously be bottom painted, and I know that will need to be redone every 1-2 years. I also know the zincs will need to be changed more frequently. But what other maintenance am I looking at? Is it necessary around here to have a diver periodically clean the bottom?

Double , no , triple , check/maintain your auto bilge pumps,might also consider installing one powered from shorepower , on board battery chargers/maintainers , have good marine insurance…Better pro-active than re-active !!!