What a find!

I was cleaning out one of my closets over the rainy weekend. Haven’t seen the bottom of it in 20 years. Under 6 pairs of boots I found 2 cases of shotgun shells and 4 unopened bricks of .22. The bricks still have K-Mart price tags on them, $2.97 a brick! Dang if I had known then what we know now…

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I’ll give you $4 each!!

May all your favorite bands stay together…

$5! Your move 23:imp:

$8 for the bricks!

beat that throw from the high seats behind left field!


4 bricks of .22? By the liberal left’s definition, you are a borderline terrorist!!! Big brother is watching!!! :smiley:

Truth is, you have enough ammo there to take down a whole city… of squirrels…

$8.50! Next[:0] They have to come in the original boxes, cause they are antiques and worth more that way!:wink:

Larry, were they Smokeless powder, or Black Powder back then:question:

$8.50! Next

This ain’t the Swap Shop :wink::smiley:

They have to come in the original boxes, cause they are antiques and worth more that way!

Boxes look brand new. Remington Vipers. Date on the boxes are 1992, so they aren’t antique.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Dang Larry, I thought I was bad. Good find!! Lookout squirrels.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Larry, when I was 14/15 years old, I had a school teacher that gave me the recipe for Black Powder ! I went to the local Pharmacy/Drug store and bought the stuff needed! I made my own fuses and put about 1 pound in a hole I dug in the garden! Lit the fuse and ran like Mell! Blew about a 4 ft hole 2 ft deep in the ground! Gave me some respect for gunpowder after the smoke cleared[:0]
Forgot to say that after it went off, my Mom ran out of the house and said " What the Hell Was That"[:0] Years later, I found out that my Mom, had taken out a life insurance policy on me! Guess she didn’t expect me to live long! It matured and it was in my name, so the check had to be made out to me! I could have laughed all the way to the bank! I cashed it and sent it back to her and said that I was sorry to have put her through me growing up!:imp::wink::smiley:

Having said that: It is fun as swell, blowing things up!:imp::smiley::smiley:

Made lots of the stuff when I was a kid. 75% potassium nitrate, 15% sulfur, and 10% crushed charcoal. Never was much good at making fuses but I did learn how to detonate it with a spark plug and old telephone wire. You are correct about it being FUN. My brothers and I had tons of fun until we placed a one pound charge under an old black iron wash pot. The thing must have gone 50 feet in the air before falling on the roof of our house. My dad spent most of the weekend fixing the damage and beating the dickens out of us with his razor strap. As he put it, our gun powder days were coming to squeaking arst halt!


I did my share of burning/blowing stuff up. Do that kind of stuff now days and the ATF will be knocking at your door and you’ll be on the terrorist watch list.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

We might get on the watch list just for talking about it on the Internet!

Every kid in my junior high school knew how to make black powder, heck they used to teach us things like that in science class :smiley: Different world today.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I know a few of you will remember these days:smiley:;; as a knee high youngster dad would make me tag along; (too small/young to carry loaded gun),even though he had a modern double ,hammerless 20ga, he still preferred using his dads b-powder shot gun rabbit hunting, when he shot I would have to run out to get rabbit but it was usually to stomp out the fire from him using pcs of news paper as wadding.[:0][:0]
Really miss him and those days/memories!!!

Had a buddy that used toilet paper in a b-powder too and would start a fire with danged near every shot.


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown