So I spent a good bit of time hunting for hogs in the FMNF. Hunted from dawn to dusk. Did both sitting and stalking over mostly hardwood bottomlands, but ventured into the edges of the adjacent pines too. I saw a TON of signs, I mean they had destroyed the area. I saw scat that was still steaming! I saw a big ole wallow they had made. Yet, I never saw a hog. I had to be close to them. Was very quiet and worked into the wind. Never even heard any. So, do y’all think that means they had gone nocturnal? If that is the case, is there anything you can do legally to lure them out of their daytime hiding place? This is the FMNF so you can’t bait or hunt them at night. It was SO frustrating to see so much fresh sign but come home empty handed. All insight and advice much appreciated.
If I knew where they were like you describe in your post I would be there every day. They have got to move sooner or later. You wouldn’t want to share your spot would you? I’ll set and wait on them. I’d like to have a mid size sow. I don’t think I want a boar, I have heard they smell bad when cooking them
They probably are moving at night. If it wasn’t “frustrating” it wouldn’t be hog hunting. It is a challenge.
WS Tarpon 120
WS Tarpon 100
Heritage Ultralite 9.5
Try the hog bomb by the makers of buck bomb. Sows are always comin in and out of heat so boars rut year round. Won’t eat a boar over 50 lbs but it helps ya see em
I heard you can use battery op.calls.I dont have one but am willing to go be a second set of eyes.Also archery or rifle,lets go
Of my little time spent in the FMNF Ive seen just about every animal except a hog!Ive seen places the size of gardens that looked like someone used a tiller the night before.
Buy a few bottles of cheap grape soda, pour it all over the place or on a stump and they will come thick as fleas
Have you had success with that technique during the daytime? Sure beats some of the pricier attractants!
without bait or dogs hogs arent the easiest critter to hunt and absolutely theyre mostly noctournal. in my 2 seasons in fmnf i had no problem finding hog sign as you described, but only saw 1 that was gone before i could line up for a shot. i got lucky and picked off a 175lb boar in my new home of georgia barely after sunup but thats the only one ive seen here too. best advice i can offer is dont give up keep at it. as for eating a boar as long as you castrate and field dress quickly after you drop it they dont taste too bad at all…just gotta learn how to cook it right.
if the pigs gets much pressure they will feed mostly at night with very little daytime movement, try some bait that will get them out early in the afternoon, corn will work
Problem is I was hunting FMNF and you can’t bait there.