What happened?

That was pretty good! Haha

So I guess the site is dead then:sunglasses::+1:

Fishing Nerd

ā€œNo bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just poolā€¦ nothing else.ā€

ā€¦well, some fishing too!

A site moderator would have made a world of difference for this place.This site will probably end up just like Pelagic Navigator.

No, you just hope it does. Youā€™ve admitted it. PN was a different place. It was for what it was for. You didnā€™t like it either.

The new format is hurting. Snapper regs as well as others hurt. Gas prices put a serious hurt on things. Yes, they are reasonable again but too many of the originals got out of it.

There was **** talked more than this 20 yrs ago. PN and Fritz went at it. Skinnee and Capt R went at it, and it still rolled.When the yellowfin bite died, the Au-top-sea moved, and the Cocks died, everything else did too.

Yeah, I miss the way this site used to be as well. I donā€™t see any of the ā€˜oldā€™ fisher persons posting on here anymore. I donā€™t know if the new format affected their posting or not. But I have noticed ever since the high school bickering started in the politics section many people have stopped posting. May just be a correlation, not cause and effect. Thereā€™s no longer any good local information being posted in the reports section. Too many posts from folks showing off their catches from other places, not from the Charleston area. Too many postings from folks promoting their other fishing sites. A lot of non-useful chatter. Penny, Stono Man, etc are missed!


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see ā€œOld Gloryā€ waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen heroā€™s that makes it wave.
author unknown

High school? I think most of us ā€œbickeringā€ about Politics are way past high school, unless we have a few young aliases. Even though we do digress from time to time. :smiley: It really amazes me to think that so many think the Political section has caused a slow down of this site, when it is the most active part of it. I believe the commoners in the Political arena have pretty much all declared their ageā€¦ if true. Iā€™m 53.

Youā€™ve posted many times there Sea Tonic. I think the biggest issue with the Political section is most are too thin skinned to stay there and express their thoughts. These crazy times need to be talked about. I miss Gotcha and a few others that used to due a good thought provoking job and even give an ignorant Red Neck like myself a reason to see an issue in a different light.

Iā€™ve been posting on this sight since it first started up when I was off shore fishing with many members here, lost my original meme. Still have one of the first window CFC stickers they used to give out in fishing seminars. Maybe not so much now, but the arrogance and nose up posts on many fishing posts a few years ago pushed me to the Political section.

I just wonder if anyone is reading this? I have enjoyed this site a great deal and most of the people I have met because of it. I would hate to see the site die. There has to be a way to make the site more user friendly. Hopefully if that happened, folks might start posting more and just ignore the jerks. I do and find I enjoy the site more when I just ignore the handful of jerks.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

So a moderator would not have helped this site?

I donā€™t want it to be PN, but this site is headed towards death. Iā€™m no IT genius, but one would have to believe the issues plaguing the site could be resolved? Is admin the same admin, or has the site been sold?

If the original admin still owns the site, I honestly believe they donā€™t care any longer , or all the issues wouldnā€™t fall on deaf ears.

Moderator? No need, we are self moderating right now.

Why Bruce?.. the ramblings of a disillusioned Hillary supporter.

Originally posted by poly ball

I believe Fred could witness trump pissing on an old homeless lady, and heā€™d tell him heā€™s doing a hell of a job, really soaking her.

The original site owner sold it last December. I tracked him down when the site went off-line to see if he knew what was going on.

So, new owner and format that will just take some getting used to. I stick to fishing reports and discussions.

Politicā€™s never serve a purpose and rarely have positive out comes.

Post those reports and pictures, please.

Thanks for the info, didnā€™t realize Andy had sold the site. Would like to tell him thanks. Glad it is back up.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Somebody hunt down EF and YJ stat. Let them take up where they left off. That will revive this site.

1st time back on. Went for almost a fackin month with a gd error message. Kinda hard to post when site not functioning. Still canā€™t post pics.
Oh yeah, hate the new format from day one.

Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.
Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.

Didnā€™t know sight was sold. Thanks for info.

On the politics, I used to think they didnā€™t matter when I was younger. They serve a purpose, unfortunately that purpose seems to get twisted and twisted to those we vote in offices favor. Ever see anyone lately come out of office poor? If we want to see America survive you need to open your eyes to the bias in our media and understand Politics does matter to a free society. I say this in the most humble way, no attack at you quarterpounder. Iā€™ll be voting for Trump, because Biden is obviously not mentally fit, and sending in letters to everyone I can that we need term limits for all congress personnel.

Last several times I tried to log on to forums I got errors and never could get on. Glad to see it working for me now.

Havenā€™t been fishing but one time this year - ducking the Corona and work! Nothing to report.

And Iā€™m still butt hurt over not having the oyster roast!!! Never heard what happened. Logistics I guess - idk.

Mean post - sarcasm - on here?? - naaah - just got to be like a duck and not get sucked in by the trolls. lol

J Ford

Canā€™t make a new post now, 1st time I have had this issue.
I know others have, is there a trick to fixing it or did you just have to wait it out until it corrected itself?

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

Itā€™s been hit and miss for me ever since the new format. Being unable to start a new post does seem to be more prevalent after making a few replies. :question:.

How about it admin? Any fixes in the works?

People get tired of the error messages trying to get to the forum.

Looks like the site was down part of yesterday, they need to get it together.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]