What happened?

Man what happened to this place? No one posts anymore. Offshore reports have been dead all year. Is there another forum everyone has moved to?

Been wondering that myself.
Been a member here for many years and have watched what used to be a fun,
occasionally nasty, but always informative place decline to the point where
most of the posts are made in the Politics Forum where a small group
spends their time exchanging vitriol.:angry:

16' Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat 25hp Yammy 4 stroke

Everbody went to that commie facebook.

No way is it all vitriol, … well maybe a tad. :smiley: and now it seems some want to end the Political forum?

I do miss all the off shore posts and pics. I’m wondering how much this new format has effected users? Sometimes you just can’t start a post or even reply and many other times you get an error message when trying to bring up this sight. On the phone this sight is not user friendly at all… I constantly open links or peoples profiles I don’t mean to as I scroll down the screen.

The new format killed the site almost immediately. It could possibly be revived if format is changed to something functional, otherwise I think we’ll lose almost everyone eventually.

Yep, new format sure leaves something(s) to be desired.

16' Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat 25hp Yammy 4 stroke

Unfortunately, I can’t recall the last time I got to go fishing so I can’t contribute anything there except wishing I was fishing. Some people have been so negative in their responses to those posting reports I can see why some no longer post. I always saw this site as a place to share information, learn from others and make friends.

I have stopped going to the politics section, it is so hate-filled because of all the childish name-calling and the 3-4 jackazzes that go there just to be jerks. No need to get rid of the section, just stop going there. Don’t feed the trolls.

The format is awful and has been since day one. Posting a new thread some days is impossible and sadly, I find myself coming here less and less because of it.

I don’t know why others are not posting reports, etc., unless it is the format or they feel like they have to defend themselves. I know a couple of guys that no longer post because of the negative comments some seem to be unable to keep to themselves. Some of the most stalwart members seemed to have vanished and I am not sure why. I have been coming here for quite a while now. I have made some great friends and learned so much from the members. I hope things can be corrected because I believe this site offers great information and entertainment.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Agree with you completely on the Politics Section.
It has become completely degraded from its former self thanks to the actions of
a few Yahoos who have driven the posters of real debate away.
I quit posting fishing reports a couple of years ago thanks to the “Fishing Police
know it alls” who invaded the site a while back.
My last report-4 years ago.
“Perfect day-Wind-10 mph from the SW, Sky-slight over cast, Surf-1-2feet, Tides-low 6am-high 12pm-low
Arrived at 10am and set up.
At 10:24 1st red hit and from then until 4PM when we left the action was non-stop! The three of us were running around like crazy-catching, baiting, repairing tackle etc.
Final Talley:
-14 Reds 36"to 42"s
-6 reds booted due to tackle failures attributable to the use of stainless slides which cut into our braid lines
-1 100 pd stingray
-1 small spotted stingray
-cut mullet, live mullet and crabs on Carolina rigs
Sans the tackle problems, this would have been a record day for us.
I have lots of pix; but will not post them anymore after the fish police jumped all over the last group I posted.”

16' Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat 25hp Yammy 4 stroke
16' Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat 25hp Yammy 4 stroke
16' Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat 25hp Yammy 4 stroke

So you mean to tell me you have skin so thin you won’t post your fish pics/reports because of a few whining sniveling brats that probably don’t even catch fish, complain about the fishing reports you post?

Sheesh… I can guarantee you there are more people enjoying and benefiting from your reports than there are complaining about them. :+1:

I finally got my topic to post for the first time in a while, then wanted to start a new one in the discussion section and it wouldn’t let me… now if admin could get all that straightened up that was help everyone and the forum. I just keep t

Must confess I am an internet chicken of the first order!
When folks start to get nasty, as some of them did on replies to
my fishing reports, I head for the hills.
Never know whose on the other end of those posts!

16' Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat 25hp Yammy 4 stroke

As far as the folks I have talked to, it isn’t a question of being “thin-skinned” or scared. Most folks are just sharing their catch, how, when and with what and to have some azzhat be critical or say something ugly just makes some not want to contribute. Why bother if someone is going to be a jerk? Not sure why so many people can’t abide by the old, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. I’m surely not perfect and don’t recall stepping out of line regarding someone’s post but, I am trying hard to say something nice or nothing. I personally know 2 guys that used to post here but just stopped because of the tone. Neither of them are scared or thin-skinned, they just have better things to do than entertain some wiseazz.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Well, they can let those guys run them off all they want. Must suck to be that intelligent to where you can’t learn anything. I’ll be right here growing where I’m planted. We all have to start somewhere. No one here has the ability or “tone” to run me or anyone off, IMO.

Come on back and post em’ up sternline, I got your back! Hell I already try to reply to most posts just to help get the flow going. I’ll keep it up too:+1:

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Yes I get that and I see y’alls points, I just don’t see why let them get that win. Are we just supposed to just let the forum die because of a few bad apples though? That just rubs me the wrong way.

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!

Jeez, Stump, what if that nasty person is a Dylan Roof wanna’be?:dizzy_face:
Thanks for your kind thoughts, reminds me of the way folks used to
behave here:smiley:.

16' Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat 25hp Yammy 4 stroke

The format change has done it for me. Not that I posted a ton anyways but I was here a ton reading. I have too much trouble trying to get to the site to start with. Seems it sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t, and sometimes does but takes a long time to load. And then spend time typing a reply and it doesn’t even show up half the time. I’ve tried to post a few times on the new forum and I’m about 50/50 if it shows up. I get that the old site was dated, but at least it worked the majority of the time.



looks like all of the sponsors have gone?

at least as well as I can see them?

I’d almost be willing to let the gamecocks win a football game to get the old place back.

LOL :smiley: Don’t forget the Dallas Cowboys.