What I Just Ate

Guess you need to drink a lot of hard liquor to tolerate yourself…

Best of luck with the shun… Your shun record at this point is about 0-20… :joy:

Helluva nice bar EF,I’m definitely subscribed! As if the garden pics and food porn wasn’t reason enough.haha

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several nights on the titos with a splash of lime and water over ice… or just a little olive juice and water… Nice and refreshing.
Why the flowers?

CLIX vodka is much better, and reasonably priced…

Because if you send me dead flowers every morning, I wont forget to put roses on your grave

sternline, I appreciate your explanation, but you still gave no real reason that you deem it necessary to shut down the Political forum. I would love to see a stricter guideline for posts as you suggested. I kind of believe those that really want to shut it down are just upset with other points of views.

As for what is inane or not, that depends a lot on a person. While you may feel it is Inane to call our president a geriatric minor attracted person, I think it is quit accurate after recent truths have been found out. He likes little kids playing with his hairy legs in the pool and he took many a shower with his daughter and by her own admission turned her into a sexual deviant. And after the many photos and videos of him sniffing and touching kids it can not be denied that he is attracted to children in perverse way.

You may also feel it is inane to believe I think the majority of Americans were better off under Trump than Biden. What you may want to call silly might just be a different point of view that is in fact not silly at all. :v: Gonna try and wrap up early today and enjoy this nice weather!! Hope you do the same!

Looks like you might have posted in the wrong forum, Fred?

Somebody throw a flag on Fred… Rules violation!

Loving the ignore function that EF suggested to me hbu?

No more of this :point_down:

On the rare occasion that I sip some of that brown stuff, Larceny is very enjoyable, although I do see a $2K+ bottle up there on the top shelf.

I’ve tried that Kentucky Owl…not for me.

Concrete cracks

Water rums downhill

Orphans are expensive

Its been that way since the git-go

Not a liquor drinker. I’ll occasionally take a shot at tequila.
So much for getting home at a decent time.

Columbia traffic yeehaw

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Easy button tonight, crab and football tomorrow. Feels like fall!

My favorite football/ tv food!

KoolSeas…heading home from Dallas, Shorty’s hanging out at Clemson… what’s a fellow to do?

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Tell me the plan for them blue claws I ain’t used to seeing that

I’m a beer keg steamer

I like to ice them then pull off the tops, rinse em out good with a hose, season with old bay, then steam for 6-8mins once rolling.

I get maybe 4-6/day off a dock so I cook what I got each day and put them in a big ziploc till football is on, then we sit down and pick

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Sorry folks for above reply to sternline… Not sure how I did that? My bad. I’d delete it if I could.

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