What I Just Ate


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Pigs still smoking

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Honey glazed venison ham

Was it as good as it sounds?

Our first time.

What is that?

Country fried steak, turned out pretty good considering.

Do you double dip in batter or just once in the batter and once in the seasoned flour? The recipe called for double dipping, but the single sipped ones came out much better. I’m not a fan of all the bread, especially when frying shrimp.

It was amazeballs

Just waiting on the cornbread…

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Glad to see we have all been eating like royalty!

The left side of that cornbread plate reminds me of a good show put on by some folks in orange yesterday…

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That was a good game

Are you sporting that nail polish for effect?


Yessir, the girls insisted over Christmas. I allow it about once a year.

Look close and you can see my toes are stuck together. It’s called syndacytly and it’s genetic on my dad’s side. Mostly skipped him, but my grandma was webbed too, both my feet are like that

No wonder you’re so skilled around water.

Good on you!

Keep the girls happy, life is easier…