What is this thing

I disc up?? Thought was a rock until I picked it up. It’s bigger than my fist and very firm like a potato with thin bark.


Let me add to the list.

Anyone know what kind of tree these are. Really cool looking and a lot of then in bottom near the creek. Thanks.

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someone text me back as perhaps honeysuckle on the trees…


I think the flowering tree/plant is called a wild azalea?

I’ve got two small ones in my backyard at work.

Internet picture

Oh wow! Thanks for that. Never would have guessed!


They’re pretty flowers. Just checked mine. Already finished flowering. Some so-called yard maint. person whacked/butchered the krap out of it last year. Wasn’t sure if it would survive.

Yes they are. Kind of look like those tiger Lilles I have pop up in random places in backyard each fall.

Glad yours survived!


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Any vines? Could be a sweet potato vine plant tuber

That Potatoe loo0king thing was called Indian bread when I was a kid. They are edible but have very little taste.

wild azalea sap is toxic, not sure about the nectar, but my MIL definitely told the kids that it was honeysuckle…

Wild azaleas. Many throughout our area. Some call them honeysuckles but nope, those are vines and yellow. You can dig up the smaller ones and replant. They love acidic soil and if you see them in the wild, blueberries will probably do good in that area as well. I pick the wife some every year to put on the kitchen table. The smell fantastic.

On the potato thing… what tanksgt said. Looks like indian bread root. Google search images of it. I’ve never seen any around here, after searching a little looks like they are more prevalent in Georgia and Alabama. ??

edit… what frip said first.

Interesting and funny you say that Fred, my brother in law has them growing side by side in his garden. His first blueberries are coming ripe today, but he has like 6 cultivars that he picks all the way through July. Be a couple more years before they’re all booming but going great so far. I gotta acidify a proper plot for my little scraggly ones this fall and move them like i’ve been talking about for years.

Didn’t you say y’all have something like a couple hundred bushes?

Appreciate y’all as usual. Learn a lot here. Here is a pic, as I went back and had actually split one of those Indian roots open with the disc.

It had obviously dried out some and had a mild woody mushroom smell to me.

Bwang, toxic sap, yikes, wanting to try rooting some cuttings.

Couple more things to mention. Planted almost 4 acres of that Sunn Hemp on Tuesday and that stuff is already popping up. I read it could germinate in 3 days, but shocked to see this!

Also, crazy weather front moved in couple hours ago and temp dropped 15 degrees in minutes.
Blew a couple trees down at the Augusta National.

Thanks again!

Temp update. It was about 86, now 56…Sheesh

DoubleN… I took the boat out today and ran it by the shop later to wash off. Took the Truck in the shop to change the oil… less than 30 min… backed it out and wished I didn’t have on shorts!! Drastic Temp drop!!!

Barbawang… Live oak tree leaves work good dressed around them, and also the Miracle grow stuff for “acid loving” plants. I don’t even mix it in water… I just take the supplied measuring spoon and throw a couple around each bush. Dug up my major blueberries to put up a shed, I believe I planted another 30 or so… Got to have enough for the birds so I can get a few.