What is this

trying to help out a lady that just lost her husband, cleaning out the garage and found this

What is it?

Pioneer 197SF

looks like Alien technology… the framing square they used to help build the sphinx. :smiley:

You got me on that, was he into carpentry? Looks like some kind of framing jig.

That is an attachment for one of the folding work horses to hold lumber and/or round stock for sawing ; the V shape holds the round stock , rectangular holds the flat lumber up to a few inches… Should be 2 of them and the work table/horse !!!

George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

ding, ding - we have a winner

specific to a certain type of Stanley sawhorse

Pioneer 197SF