what won't a deer eat?

Is there anything you can plant in a fall garden that a deer won’t eat? Never had them eat my pumpkins or cucumbers before this year.

< Evil is simply the absence of God >

They did not eat my turnips or cow peas when they were supposed to.
Just go into your garden a few times with a gun and pretend you are hunting. They will never go near there again:smiley:

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.

They ate my pumpkins to a nub this year.
They only thing they dont eat is sickle pod. Try sweet potato vines- they may only keep those in check.

Matthew 6:5

Jalepenos ! Mine look just fine… lol

Australian Winter peas. Planted 2 acre food plot in these 1 year and the would eat the pine needles before they ate the peas.

Originally posted by Tacoma

Australian Winter peas. Planted 2 acre food plot in these 1 year and the would eat the pine needles before they ate the peas.

They have always pounded mine after the first frost.

Matthew 6:5

They are Austrian Winter peas and they will eat the heck out of them.

For a minute there I thought I had a big ol crack in my new Tony Lamas…

I planted squash,cukes,turnips,collards,and cantalope this year next to a food plot.None of it survived deer depredation.Some of them will not survive human depredation I predict.

“Modern day Robin Hoodism-Steal from the sucessful and give to the poorly motivated.”

partnership hit the nail on the head. that is definitely the best way to keep deer from eating your veggies. just get the gun and act like you are hunting in the garden. zippy do dah … no deer. ha ha ha

Originally posted by Swamp Angel

They ate my pumpkins to a nub this year.
They only thing they dont eat is sickle pod. Try sweet potato vines- they may only keep those in check.

Matthew 6:5

Sweet Potatoes were the first to go. Electric fence got tore down last night, maybe that spooked at least one of em.

When the wife heads to Florida the end of this month there will be a couple in the Freeze. She declared our property safe haven and I’ve stuck with it… until now.

“Jalepenos ! Mine look just fine… lol” … But you can only eat so many peppers! I did some Hybrid extra large Jalepenos this year, great for stuffing!

< Evil is simply the absence of God >

Yalls deer must have Ben hungrier than mine. Does it still actually frost during deer season anymore lol.