What's Better Than A Nice Trim Butt?

How’s about two nice rubbed butts. The pulled pork you eat Memorial Day Weekend starts with butt rubbing on Wednesday.

Lets listen in…

And now for something completely different, a stroll down memory lane.





RBF will be tickling some baby back ribs…

Cooking partner that passed…

Maybelle 7

Maybelle 13

Looks like that butt prolly got crabs as a side dish…

Nice pics EF. It appears that it has become far easier to post them now. Good deal.

that cobia cutout is cool looking.

gotta make up my mind. think i’ma do a 6hr SLC smoke with the 3-2-1 method and dry rub all the way. wife wears this shirt i got her every time we have folks over for pulled pork

need to get another watermelon today, the one from Publix (flo-grown) was really good and now HT has them on sale

i don’t love the fact that watermelons are all small, round, and seedless these days.

Bet fred has a hookup who knows the old broom straw trick too

We do a boys trip for a week to Emerald Isle ever fall and mostly surf fish, but spend a good amount of time in the creeks too. It’s an incredible fishy area in October.

That’s the trophy the winner gets to take home afterword. On the last day before everyone leaves it gets awarded to whoever impressed the rest of us most. Not always the first, biggest, or most, but usually that’s what impresses.

You know several of those guys. Mostly heathens but hey, they are my heathens. I think you saw the pig trophy didn’t you?

Ding, fries are done,

Flag is flying.

Rest of the garlic and onions come out today.

Pickling a few jars of stuff.

Smoker will be hot soon.

Kids have red, white, and blue Gatorade to choose from.

Dragging out jump castle/pool thing now.

Grateful to all who paid the ultimate price to secure our freedom, God Bless America!

Man, you guys are quite the gourmets. I gotta get my smoker fixed.

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DF, I’ll save you a rib brother!

EF, you pull those before they cool or frig em?

I smoked them for about 3 hours until it started raining like it did on Noah.

Moved them inside and finished at 230 degrees until an internal temp of 185.

Wrap in foil and put back in turned off oven to rest.

My protip is to cover the butts in foil at around hour 3 for 2 and a half hours. When you uncover pour off the fat and juices into a bowl and place in refrigerator.

Finish cooking butts and rest them like i said above.

After the fat, collagen, and ham juices seperate in the fridge take a spoon and discard the fat layer on top of the bowl.

Use the wholesom goodness below the fat to reconstitute the pulled pork later.

You can use a baister to steal a little of the ham liquor to apply to the butts towards the end to make them pretty.


You had me at ham liquor

My pro tip is the “redneck cambro”, employed by every competition cook at some point.

If you got up to 12 hours between the end of cook and the serve time, wrap the pieces as tight as you can in a few layers of heavy foil, then a few clean old towels, then pack them into a 48qt igloo and fill them in tightly on all sides with more towels. A veritable moveable feast, if you will. Stays hot for a long ass time.

Current state at Casa Barbawang:

Everything looks great EF. All the best to you!!