Heard the fishing was slow but figured that was false.
Went to Gtown today.
Fishing is SLOW.
1 keeper trout and some lady fish.
Luke caught a ray and a oyster cluster and declared himself the winner…
Heard the fishing was slow but figured that was false.
Went to Gtown today.
Fishing is SLOW.
1 keeper trout and some lady fish.
Luke caught a ray and a oyster cluster and declared himself the winner…
Must of been a large ray to declare himself a winner that quickly. I would think the keeper trout and lady fish (especially if it jumped) would easily beat an oyster cluster and a ray. haha
Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,
goes home through the alley.
MI sucked today also…
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!
From talking to one friend who went today, and from my experience a couple of days earlier this week: fish are on strike.
I went to MI tues and wednesday and it sucked. Caught more fish off the dock in one hr in charleston this morning that i did in two days there