I was just wondering when reds stop tailing in the grass and why they stop.
Good luck Bros
I was just wondering when reds stop tailing in the grass and why they stop.
Good luck Bros
caught them into november… seems they stop tailing when the fiddlers bury themselves for the winter
What he said.
I have aleady noticed them chasing shrimps.
Fished this AM with a crab pattern but they were not interested, must be starting to key on the shrimpies.
i wonder if they stop at dark. still havent had anyone say they have seen them tail after dark and i have stayed out an hour or so past on good moons but have seen nothing. the noises seem to stop about that time too. makes me wonder if it is a visual thing. and november.
caught some last month near downtown around 10 pm, city lights kept the flat lit up. Gulp spray on the flies and they eat em great at night.
You add scent to flies?
“The good fisherman is surprised when he doesn’t catch fish: I am just the other way around.”
Gene Hill, Passing a Good Time.
Originally posted by bjj4287I was just wondering when reds stop tailing in the grass and why they stop.
They usually stop right after I bonk them on the head with a poor cast…
Pillage and plunder with a 9wt and a fist full of clousers.
I’ve seen a whole flat full of fish tail aggressively well after dark.
Pillage and plunder with a 9wt and a fist full of clousers.
thanks. i will keep chasin em at night. they were certainly there yday a.m in the cloud cover, though i had no suitable offerings apparently. i wonder if their stopping in winter has anything to do with them schooling up. that seems to be a powerful behavioral shift.
69 degrees is the magic #…they will continue to feed in the grass byt it drops off significantly when the water temp. falls below it. However, it does happen sooner or later depending on the weather patterns and moon phases.