When Fatrat357 stays home....look out - YS

Day one of the tournament my youngen lost 2 money fish flounder, saw several 24" plus trout eating finger mullet all in casting range but all we could get was dinks…Day 2 and those money fish get boated! Ol’ Flounder Pounder back at it again, found the mother load just had to cull through them! Fatrat357…when you sleeping in fish ain’t safe when there’s gas in the boat!!!
Youngen Style Charters :sunglasses:


Great stuff! Great job!

Thanks for the update. Y’all put in the time so y’all deserve to reap the rewards! Congratulations

Day one of the tournament we fished a bit offshore and managed a 24lbs+ which put Nigel and I in 2nd. Fished Saturday in high winds and blistering heat and only got a 14" flounder. Sunday was on another mission and didn’t fish. Looks like you guys done well with white capping waters. See you soon if this Heat Index calm down.

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