When you know it's personal Snickers

Looks like you might’ve started on the Gin a little early?

Haha, don’t drink Gin, scribe…

And I’m not Jewish.

Must be another spirit you are subscribing to?

I used to participate in a Men’s Bible Study, early on Friday mornings.

A lot of fun, and, meaningful dialogue!

Are you interested in having such a venue here?

Or, are you just so full of yourself that the idea is beneath you?

Thank you Mixed! pm me and let me know about it.


You called me a “pharisee”… Isn’t that Jewish as well…

I asked the very same thing years ago about having a Thursday night bible study post… Got rejected because everyone else believed it would turn into just another political/religious argument… Some members just can’t stay away from it as is obvious here even today…

Google Pharisee:

A self righteous hypocrite.

Do I need to add anything?

13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Matthew 23:13 KJV - But woe unto you, scribes and - Bible Gateway

Sleep well knowing the scripture you’ve posted.

Looks like you have some work to do?

You didn’t even know what’s a scribe… At least know the Bible when trying to insult a Christian…

I know the Bible well.

Quite an interesting study.

Do you want to participate in a Men’s Bible Study?

Googling Scriptures doesn’t create the same effect as studying them, and sharing opinions.

But, as a Pharisee, you know that!

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If I am a Pharisee as you falsely say, then you shouldn’t want to hear anything from me…

Based on our discussions, there isn’t anything I could learn from you related to Christ, and there isn’t any way I can make you a true Christian…

Guess what, some folks google what they already know to provide evidence to those that don’t know… Funny thing is, you told me to google…

You need to try harder…

No need for me to pile on… That wouldn’t be Christian like…

Gotta run, chow is waiting…

Funny, a Liberal would take me to task on being " Christian" like?

Man… EF sure did a number on that fella… it’s a little pitiful. :roll_eyes:

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Jesus was a Liberal… If not, we’d still be living under God’s Law, and not God’s Grace…

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BTW, where is EF… He sure did run for the hills when UT got beat down by the Gamecocks… Beatdown by 9 touchdowns… Even ole Fritz posted he ran and left just after halftime… He’d never had seen him run so fast… :rofl:

All is good with EF1, he just sent me a text, a few days ago.

I imagine he’s plowed his garden, and getting ready to plant?

Yep, I’d bet you are right… He’s a bit behind us coastal folk. My potatoes, squash, cucumbers, peas, corn, Kale, Onions, are up and running… wife and i just planted 24 tomato plants.

Glad this thread hasn’t been moved by RBF to politics … YET…

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Are you serious!! Please say your joking.
I highly doubt God would see himself as any government definition made up by a bunch of stupid humans.