I’ve typically used shrimp, menhaden, crabs and whatever else I can catch with my cast nets to use as live or fresh cut bait, but I just got a minnow trap and would like to start getting some experience using mud minnows to see how they compare to other live bait options.
Where is the best place to set the trap around the Charleston area? Does any small tidal creek work, or are they closer to the ocean or further up river or what? Planning on baiting traps with menhaden chunks
The small creeks that run to main rivers hold them. The less water at low tide the better. But a 3/16 cast net catches everything, one throw and you have them all. Also the low tide pools in the oyster fields.
Yeah all of my mesh sizes are bigger than that, so I can only occasionally catch the few large mud minnows in the school. That’s why I went ahead and got this trap. But ok sounds good
I’ve caught them from the ocean on up to brackish waters.Use a piece of ■■■■■■■ or a live blue crab with the back pulled off is the best bait.Set out at low tide in a couple inches of water and by the time water covers the trap a few inches you should have plenty to fish with.
Didn’t think about blue crab as bait, I’ll try it out. How long into the fall/winter will I be able to catch them in the trap? Or are they a year-round bait source as long as the temp doesn’t drop too low?
The trick to where to put a minnow trap is don’t put it in moving water. At least not much movement. I think it washes the smell of the bait away. I used to try putting mine in a feeder creek where I could see minnows and had no luck, when I started setting it in almost still water I started picking up a full trap. Just my experience.
Small water with structure is key. Also if your catching bait for commercial use, like selling you can get a fine for catching bait from road side holes. I know it’s 100% for shrimp but not 100% on minnows but I think it’s the same way.