window 10

Is it worth upgrading to?

Yes. 1,000,000 times better than the 8.1 junk. More user friendly and everything seems to run faster as well. The fact that Microsoft made 10 free to anyone with 8 or 8.1 says that they know that 8 and 8.1 were major screw ups.

Is it better than 7 though?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Good question. I keep getting a pop-up on my laptop offering a free download of 10. I am currently running 7.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Had 8.1 on my laptop. Did the free Windows 10 upgrade. No complaints from me.

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

I’ve requested it. Waiting on my notification that it’s ready to upgrade.

I’ve never understood why people complain about 8 over 7… Oh yes, I do actually. It’s because somebody “moved their cheese”… People don’t like new things… They say it’s “harder to use”, but they don’t even take the time to overview the new features. When I installed Win 8, I was a bit lost, but then I found a video that gave an overview of Windows 8 in like 5 minutes. Once I watched that, I got used to it, and I feel like I am using stone wheels going back to Win 7. Win 10 looks pretty good.

People don’t like Win 8 because it doesn’t have the standard menu… But you don’t need it. Search is a champ… If you want to find something like the calculator, then just hit the windows key on your keyboard and type in “calc” and search will bring it up for you. WAYYYYYYYYYY faster than digging through a menu system… Works like that for everything. Understand how search works and you will eventually love it more than Win 7.

Okay, deeeeeeep breath. So we SHOULD upgrade to 10?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

We run win7 at work and I hate it. I have 8.1 at home on my computer and tablet and really like it. I’m hesitant to upgrade to 10 because I like 8 so much. That being said, everyone I’ve talked to that upgraded really likes it. I guess ill just have to find out for myself.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Originally posted by DFreedom

Okay, deeeeeeep breath. So we SHOULD upgrade to 10?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I would wait a month... Let other people find any bugs first and then upgrade when the dust settles... But yes, when people claim that it's "stable" then I would upgrade.

hey wait a minute. are we getting solid unbiased 3rd party advice from an IT pro, or is this from some hack who used to be in the belly of the beast?

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Originally posted by skinneej

I’ve never understood why people complain about 8 over 7… Oh yes, I do actually. It’s because somebody “moved their cheese”… People don’t like new things… They say it’s “harder to use”, but they don’t even take the time to overview the new features. When I installed Win 8, I was a bit lost, but then I found a video that gave an overview of Windows 8 in like 5 minutes. Once I watched that, I got used to it, and I feel like I am using stone wheels going back to Win 7. Win 10 looks pretty good.

People don’t like Win 8 because it doesn’t have the standard menu… But you don’t need it. Search is a champ… If you want to find something like the calculator, then just hit the windows key on your keyboard and type in “calc” and search will bring it up for you. WAYYYYYYYYYY faster than digging through a menu system… Works like that for everything. Understand how search works and you will eventually love it more than Win 7.

The moving the cheese comment is so true. To be honest I have 8.1 and you can use it just like 7 if you just function “completely” on the desktop window. Only difference is if you hit/click the windows button the search option is in the top right not the bottom left. And you have the option to scroll through programs with their symbols.

The only cheese moving I really hated was MS Office 03?-07? when they chanced from drop downs to tabs… I feel its much less organized.

Like others said, I’ll wait for the dust to settle before I DL.

First, Most, Biggest

Dang, there’s something new out there? I thought I was cutting edge with Windows 95:wink: I did finally retire my old Commodore 64[:0]

Thanks for all the input! I’ve gotten used to 8 and have started to like it. Got an offer for a free upgrade to 10. Just looking for opinions before pulling he trigger.

Thanks again !

Everyone keep in mind here that Skinnee is wwwaaaay smarter than you are with this stuff.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Yes he is, and I think waiting a few months to get the bugs worked out is very good advice. Being their Beta tester is not something I want to do.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by PeaPod

hey wait a minute. are we getting solid unbiased 3rd party advice from an IT pro, or is this from some hack who used to be in the belly of the beast?

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Key words: "used to be"... I have freedom of choice now!

Just for the record, the new Windows phones (post 6.x - So 7, 7.1, etc) are pretty cool too… I would have NEVER said that about the Win 6.x phones… But when I had to trade in my Win 7.5 phone for an Android, I was saddened…

Originally posted by andyb

I’ve requested it. Waiting on my notification that it’s ready to upgrade.

Originally posted by UT_VOLS13
Originally posted by andyb

I’ve requested it. Waiting on my notification that it’s ready to upgrade.

What’s that link supposed to be? Says page not found.