Windows 10

Anyone running it? If you are how do you like it and is it hard to transition from Windows 7?

Good and timely question. A little box keeps popping up on my laptop giving me the option to upgrade. Not sure if I should.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Got the free upgrade a couple of weeks ago and just got mom into a new computer with 10. I still like xp because I am familiar with it, but since no support for it I’m learning to find my way around I like 10 better rhan 8. If you can make your way around on a smart phone you’ll do good with 10. Just use the search function of you get lost.

The transition was challenging but it is a stable platform!

I did the upgrade on two computers(early August and have had no problems. The transition for me was seamless. The free upgrade is available till July 29 2016. If it were me I wound upgrade before then. At some point and time Microsoft will not support nor upgrade the Windows 7 operating system.

I upgraded in Sept. And I don’t care for it that much. My main gripe is that I can’t print from web sites like I used to on Windows 8, even if there’s a “printable” page. I’ve been thinking about saving files that I’ve put in since Sept., and restoring back to before. We put a restore point in before we upgraded.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication