wingbone calls

i live in murrells inlet and my 8 year old daughter killed her first turkey this year. wondering if there is anybody that makes wing bone calls out of the wing as i would like to make one from her first turkey.

this is my 8 year olds first very exciting.

should be able to find plans on the internet.I always heard that hen wings made the best ones.

Yeah may go that tour just didn’t want to mess up her first

Originally posted by bigtimeriver

Yeah may go that rout just didn’t want to mess up her first

This is what its all about ! My boy got his 1st on Sat , and we too made wing bone calls . 1 for him and 1 for the man who let us cut through his property-a Thank You Call. Its very easy to do PM me if you want help . Check out my Facebook page for a nice Fan mount Plaque or Panel Lowcountry Game Panels.

Just made one from my first public land turkey. Buddy and I each shot one yesterday up here in tn before class. Very cool and easy to do.

strip…strip…FISH ON!

Were you able to finish the call ? Its nice to add a comment on the call with a very fine perm marker , Do Not touch until dry or will smear, if happens sand it off start again. Then spray with some kind of sealer.I like matte , gloss seam to yellow over time My 1st was ‘‘Call #1 - Swamp Music’’ My FB page seems to be able to search now, Lowcountry Game Panels . check it out/like . I still can’t get get pictures to post here, Tech I’m not ! Back to woods , my daughters last try this season