Winter creektivites

I have been exploring new areas (to me) and finding some schools of spottails creeping around at low tide in the vicinity of both Morris Island and Bohicket. Small sheepshead and sea trout have been hungry for shrimp as well. Water temp in the main river at Bohicket yesterday was 45 and back in the shallows was 51. Live shrimp, mud minnows and natural colored 3.5” Vudu shrimp have been the best for me.

Shellfish season is in full swing with oysters, clams and mussels receiving the full brunt of my collection efforts. The weather has been perfecting for steaming oysters, making clam chowder and burning Christmas trees.

This is one of my favorite times to be on the water since the air is cool, the fish are shallow and hungry, shellfish are prime for the picking, and there aren’t any ■■■■ jet skis or picnic boaters plowing around. Most everyone on the water this time of year is either fishing or working.

If you see the K9 Search boat, come say hello.


Nice collection indeed, great stuff!

Looks like time well spent. Good looking winter Reds!

I am about to buy stock in Vudu because those shrimp are fantastic. I have caught almost 2 dozen spottail in the same one. Big fan

I’ve fished the vudus rigged weedless with some success on flats and skinny water.

Adams Creek was always good for me (outgoing away from the main channel) when poking around Bohicket. Ocella too on the other side.

Great pics

I have not explored Adams yet and only been into Ocella one time this past spring. Privateer has been productive for me and I am constantly on the hunt for new areas. There are way too many great places to explore to keep going back to the same hole.

As I have never fished professionally in the Lowcountry, only in other places, this fishery is still exciting and fun without the pressure for twice daily success and the feeling of it being work like. I am very much enjoying relearning all the areas and fishing styles that I stepped away from for so long.

I found another school of great fish up in Rantowles last night and got 7 while poking around solo.

Nice looking Reds!!!

I’m guessing by this time Sunday there will be little to no creektivities going on anywhere in or near the Holy City.

Better find the “Big coat” and grab some bread and milk, it’s gonna be harder on some of you warm blooded CFers than all three years of third grade were on 23Sailfish.

That’s all I got

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Found another school in the Stono this afternoon. 51* on the flat. Caught 5 and kept the smallest 1.

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Glad you’re back

When did you come home?

Jeez Peapod, try to keep up.

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Left the USVI in March then fished in Alaska for the summer, then ran a survey boat in the Gulf for the fall, now I am here buying a house out in Rabnell and capturing creek fish.

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Welcome Back

Hit me up. I’m not far.

Vudu knock offs from Temu. I might try some

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Now here are some Winter Creektivities* I can get behind

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@Rapchizzle Great work! I wish could plan like you and build a home near the salt! Congrats!!!

@EF1 I was thinking the other day that boats need to have embedded BLE chips to track down the owner. Its not perfect but could provide some leads. The waters I fished in NC this year had several abandoned boats/sailboats…also on my trip Key West the harbors are loaded with them…so much that the homeless are using them.

Everyone in the tri county knows…