Winyah Bay 11-23

Got out for a little bit Saturday with Rob and Brad. They had been out the day before while I was working sending me pictures of all the fish they were catching.:imp: Went to the hot spot with dead Shrimp under a float as well as one rod with a jig and a shrimp. Proceeded to catch Redfish, Black Drum, Sheephead, Flounder, Oyster Cracker and some NICE Trout. All fish were released except the Trout which went home with me.:stuck_out_tongue: As soona s the rain started, the bite stopped.Got a bunch of Reds and Black Drum that were either just under or right at the lower slot size. Brad got one Black Drum that was tagged!![:0] Took the number down, left the tag in and released the Drum to be caught another day.

That was a good day. We fished the bay on Saturday, too. Caught only reds, but had a good day. Bite slowed around mid-day when the rain started.