Winyah Bay Fishing Club Meeting 8/14

Just a reminder, tomorrow is the Winyah Bay Fishing Club meeting at Hog Heaven around 6:30PM.

In case there’s anyone reading this that doesn’t know, the “Fishing Club” is not really an organized club and anyone in the area that likes to BS is certainly welcome to stop in and introduce yourselves. The Hog Heaven has great food.

Were ya sittin there alone Wayne? Hope somebody showed…I’m having AC issus so was stuck with the repairman till 6:00

Originally posted by pawayne

Just a reminder, tomorrow is the Winyah Bay Fishing Club meeting at Hog Heaven around 6:30PM.

In case there’s anyone reading this that doesn’t know, the “Fishing Club” is not really an organized club and anyone in the area that likes to BS is certainly welcome to stop in and introduce yourselves. The Hog Heaven has great food.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb
deciding what to have for dinner.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb
contesting the vote.”

  • Benjamin Franklin

It was lightly attended. The regulars were there. We actually talked about fishing the whole time believe it or not.

Been trying to get stuff around the homestead taken care of. House painted, "NEW AC working properly, fix, paint the shed and do yard work for myslef and the inlaws. They aren’t very well so we cook and help out when sister in law isn’t here. Paint some baby furniture which I don’t mind!:smiley: and maybe find time to drink a beer or two. maybe next month! :smiley:

Originally posted by pawayne

It was lightly attended. The regulars were there. We actually talked about fishing the whole time believe it or not.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb
deciding what to have for dinner.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb
contesting the vote.”

  • Benjamin Franklin