i have just got on this hunt club and it has a big swamp on it with alot of woodies and i just wanted some tricks or tips if yall have any this will be my first duck hunting experience so anything will help … i have a big lake wood duck call is that a good one. is it better to have more than one? what sized shot should i use for a 12 gauge. and any calling tips. any thing will help…
Dito S7
Go scout it in a couple places at daylight and see where they are - then keep your mouth shut 'til you shoot it.
Throw out a half doz deks and hide good & sit tight. IC choke for sure. #3 shot good - #4 better if they are close.
Calling a woodie is way over rated. He whistles when he is on the water. That squeal most calls do is when he is flying. He already knows where he is going. Most you see flying will keep flying. The ones you don’t see, that pop up out the blue, are the ones that plop down in your deks. Best bet is to be set up on his flight route.
I have black cloud #6 shot , and I have a modified and a full choke … if I use what I have will it kill them until I get some bigger shot and another choke ???
Black Cloud 6’s will work for now. Go with your mod choke. Steel shoots one choke tighter than lead. Keep your shots 40yds or less and you will be ok. I use Imp Cyl and #4 on decoying ducks but #2 or #3 on big water and passing shots. We have had some great success with Blind Side shot. The newer steel with 1500-1600fps+ speed helps a lot on knock down. The extra speed covers for the energy lost with lighter shot. I still shoot 3" shells. I have more faith in the extra speed over more shot. 1 oz of steel still has real close to the same number of pellets as 1 1/4 oz of lead.
BTW I tired the HyperSonics when they came out. 1700fps In range they will smoke a duck but, found pattern had some holes thru my gun and they kick like a beeyotch. Blind Side is our go to shot now with Fiochi Golden Waterfowl my #2 choice.
jford i think that you may have it u right im just not sure that if I follow how you said it. Steel out of a mod will shoot like full choke with lead. shot out of the same choke the steel will be tighter.
dont need a blind, just stand still against a tree and you’ll be fine. Watch where they go and move if you need to. Woodies fly the earliest and it is usually a quick hunt so scout and position yourself to intercept. Good luck
Yes on the chokes with steel. As a rule of thumb steel shoots one choke tighter than lead shot.
Dito on standing by a tree too. Swing one leg and make some ripples in the water - then sit still 'til you shoot. I have shot a lot of beaver marshes and ponds where that is what we did. Once I hit on a honey hole on a swamp creek run. I put the bottom of a climbing stand on a tree to put my dog on and stood on other side.
dont need a blind, just stand still against a tree and you’ll be fine. Watch where they go and move if you need to. Woodies fly the earliest and it is usually a quick hunt so scout and position yourself to intercept. Good luck
strip…strip…FISH ON!
When I would hunt a pass-through about 5 minutes from my home I would “scout” on Day 1. Get there before sun up and wait. When I heard the first bird calling up the creek I looked at my watch. When the last bird flew through (usually 10-15 minutes later) I went home. The next day I would show up 5 minutes before the birds flew the previous day. The birds I hunted flew the same time every day like clockwork. I literally set my clock by them. Early and fast hunt.
Do not use #2 up close in a hole unless big ducks. It will
Less spread with larger bullets as less bullets and can damage the bird especially if your shooting a modified or full choke as steal shot tightens the pattern by one as they said.
My rule. Less accurate the shooter the lighter the shot as more pellets. The tighter the hunting. Meaning swamp/close quarters wood duck environment. Is 40 yards or less type hunting. This is 4-6 depending on people.
Long distance or longer shot mixed and not as tight. I would shoot 3or 4.
2’s if long distance shooting and or big ducks guaranteed 2or3 depending on how close.
General rule for me. Larger shot in the early season. I rusty. Also closer the shot equals larger shot load ie 6. Farther shots or bigger birds mallards means 2 or 3. Big pellets go farther. But have less in total number. 6 might hve double the pellets as a 3 shot size.
Duck call worthless for woodies. Now big ducks u can turn
Do not use #2 up close in a hole unless big ducks. It will
Less spread with larger bullets as less bullets and can damage the bird especially if your shooting a modified or full choke as steal shot tightens the pattern by one as they said.
My rule. Less accurate the shooter the lighter the shot as more pellets. The tighter the hunting. Meaning swamp/close quarters wood duck environment. Is 40 yards or less type hunting. This is 4-6 depending on people.
Long distance or longer shot mixed and not as tight. I would shoot 3or 4.
2’s if long distance shooting and or big ducks guaranteed 2or3 depending on how close.
General rule for me. Larger shot in the early season. I rusty. Also closer the shot equals larger shot load ie 6. Farther shots or bigger birds mallards means 2 or 3. Big pellets go farther. But have less in total number. 6 might hve double the pellets as a 3 shot size.
Duck call worthless for woodies. Now big ducks u can turn
I’m pretty excited about the winter time. I have been occupied with wrestling the last 6 winters so I will get to hunt and hit the salt water a bit with my boys. I started duck hunting about age 13. I would rather chase a woody in swamp than hit the big water for the variety. Calls can work if woodies are on the water. Listen for a high pitched zipping sound. That is the drake. The females are the squealers and will normally give away the direction that the birds are coming from. They also get real noisy when the are on the water and are about to get up and fly away. You can easily call woodies if they are on the water. I’ve called them within ten feet when I was chest deep in water. ReminderYou’re not supposed to shoot them on the water unless that has changed. Decoys help if you’re in somewhat open water and the flying birds can see them. For the most part in, in a swamp, the birds have a specific place they like to land and chances are it’s not their first day in that particular swamp. These guys are right, go hunting a couple of times and find out where they are landing. Chest waders are a must in the swamp. As far as the shot and choke, it’s all in how you comfortable you feel and how much money you want to spend. I hear good things about different types of steel shot, but some are a bit outrageous!! Good luck and keep us posted!! Happy Holidays everyone!!
17’ Key West
“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day…Teach a man to fish, he’ll probably be in your spot next time.”