
So does anyone know the actually numbers today? I’ll bet they are not too far off from the copy and past of a few years ago.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

The problem is titans of business that retire…don’t take over the “business” of running charities. Their expertise would be invaluable to any organization they choose to help…tax break as well. Too much money that could be better spent. It’s a job instead of a charity. My opinion only.

Easy means well.

That guy, IMO is more of a patriot, along with CL, Gail Wins, Mdaddy and others to this country than many on here rolled up together.

Just saying.

Pay attention to what the top folks are paid but, look at what the remainder of the money goes to as well.


Let’s look at this another way; this could also apply to corporations.

Charity A is pulling in $1.5 million per year in revenue from donations. After paying the bills, they have $500,000 to help hungry orphans. They are able to help 100 hungry orphans. The percentage of revenue donated directly to hungry orphans is 33%.

They hire retired CEO Billy Bigbux at a salary of $600,000 per year. Under his leadership, revenue from donations increases to $4 million per year. After paying the bills, they have $1 million to help hungry orphans. They are able to help 200 hungry orphans. The percentage of revenue donated directly to hungry orphans is 25%.

Is this scenario good because Charity A can now help an additional 100 hungry orphans, or is it bad because Charity A is paying Billy Bigbux $600,000 per year? Also note that costs increased.

I just give to St Jude’s at the end of the each year. No need to snopes anything on that. Everyone knows Goodwill makes a profit. I still give my crap to them, and we shop there regularly. Some great deals to be had. I treat it like a thrift store, not charity. I would never just write a check to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

This is a fact.

I’d rather fish than eat.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

In God We Trust

I love when folks complain about someone posting something they think is irrelevant, wrong, unimportant, etc. No one forces you to read it or respond to it. People should also be smart enough to do their own due diligence and not trust everything they read on the web as the gospel. I’m not wild about how the Red Cross spends a lot of their money but, I’ve been donating platelets for 20 years and I don’t plan on stopping because of how they spend their money.

I’m with you Geronimo, I love Goodwill, we find some killer deals there.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I give to St Jude’s as well. I also give to Wounded Warriors Family Support, Omaha, Neb., and then to my Church.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Right on DF; Fred ; give to the ones you choose , thats why they’re called charities. I don’t know of but one that twists your arm to GIVE to them; THE LIBS</font id=“red”> Amazing to me is how many on here sit on their keyboard Azzs and piz&moan about who gives to who or which organization is worthy or not worthy , all the while the only thing they give is lip service…Sorta like the ones that wanna protest the cops , military and others that serve while they sit back
on their collective azzs and eat their ice-cream.

I believe EVERYTHING Easy tells me

As you should Pod!

Originally posted by gail wins

Right on DF; Fred ; give to the ones you choose , thats why they’re called charities. I don’t know of but one that twists your arm to GIVE to them; THE LIBS</font id=“red”> Amazing to me is how many on here sit on their keyboard Azzs and piz&moan about who gives to who or which organization is worthy or not worthy , all the while the only thing they give is lip service…Sorta like the ones that wanna protest the cops , military and others that serve while they sit back
on their collective azzs and eat their ice-cream.

I gotta’ ask you gail. Who on here are the keyboard warrior libs who sit around and don’t give anything? Can you name a few or are you being a keyboard warrior yourself? Hmmm? I’m guess you could name a few who may be liberals, but as to whether or not they make donations, or to which organizations, I am willing to guess you have no clue.

FYI. I’m an independent/libertarian (mostly) and have while I have not donated much in terms of cash (because I can’t afford it), I have donated over well over 300 hours of my time volunteering this year with the Red Cross.


15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

What’s the problem with those CEOs salaries?

The ARC manages an operating budget of $3B a year. Their CEO makes 650k which is a fraction of what a CEO of a commercial company would make of a similar size.

Originally posted by shevy

What’s the problem with those CEOs salaries?

The ARC manages an operating budget of $3B a year. Their CEO makes 650k which is a fraction of what a CEO of a commercial company would make of a similar size.

Shevy I think the rub comes into play when an organization which is solely for the betterment of those less fortunate gives (% wise) so little back to those they are supposed to be looking after. Heck I don’t know. But I do know if I had to make a living working for an organization that’s sole purpose is Charity, I could not take such a luxurious salary being my sole job was…managing Charity.

I can see both sides on this one, but I am more swayed to give to a charity that at least puts half back to the people the money given in was supposed to go to. Wonder if any charity actually gives 1/2 back?

I’ll bet a nickel less is given into charity than a lot of people report on their taxes.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I agree Fred, but many of the charities on the initial chain letter DO send most of the money back out the door. Thus the problem with the initial posting.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by shevy

What’s the problem with those CEOs salaries?

The ARC manages an operating budget of $3B a year. Their CEO makes 650k which is a fraction of what a CEO of a commercial company would make of a similar size.

Shevy I think the rub comes into play when an organization which is solely for the betterment of those less fortunate gives (% wise) so little back to those they are supposed to be looking after. Heck I don’t know. But I do know if I had to make a living working for an organization that’s sole purpose is Charity, I could not take such a luxurious salary being my sole job was…managing Charity.

I can see both sides on this one, but I am more swayed to give to a charity that at least puts half back to the people the money given in was supposed to go to. Wonder if any charity actually gives 1/2 back?

I’ll bet a nickel less is given into charity than a lot of people report on their taxes.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I see where your head is at because there are so many charities out there that are mismanaged and have much too administration costs. And those types do not give back a high enough percentage. Granted some have to because of their distribution models. And then some are really frauds. I’ve probably worked with over 1000 non profits in my career and have seen it all.

That said, for most part, the largest global non-profits, like some mentioned in the post are highly complex and need to be run like

Sad part is that chain letter was probably started by someone who has an agenda- IE a less transparent and more dishonest charity.