
A cut and paste!
Subject: FW: Tis the season to wake up.



American Red Cross
President and CEO Marsha J.
Salary for the year was $651,957
Plus expenses

It is called the March of
Dimes because
Only a dime for
Every 1 dollar is given to the
United Way
President Brian
Receives a $375,000 base salary
Along with numerous expense benefits.
CEO Caryl M. Stern
$1,200,000 per year (100k
Per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS
Less than 5
Cents of your donated dollar goes to the
CEO and owner Mark Curran
Profits $2.3 million a year.
Goodwill is a
Very catchy name for his business.
You donate to his business
And then he sells the items for
He pays nothing
For his products and pays his workers minimum wage!
Nice Guy.
$0.00 goes to
Help anyone!
Stop giving to this Man.

Yeah, I need to check, buy I’m pretty sure that part about Goodwill isn’t true at all…

Come on 23! Your giving me a Good Will, and a Snopes site:question:

I grew up near Winston Salem and I remember the start of Goodwill. It was on University drive - close to the fairgrounds near Wake Forest U. They had disabled guys there. Lots of workers - each had a stall and they reconditioned/ repaired everything from lawn mowers , appliances, televisions, clocks, lamps, heaters, furniture. I remember my mother taking me to Goodwill once to get a wringer style washing machine, and she told me how all those people had jobs because of Goodwill. All the churches in that area of NC collected all manner of things to donate to goodwill . There was no used clothing store or a ceo making millions. The workers were paid out of the proceeds of the sales of their work. Everybody in Winston-Salem was proud of Goodwill- that started in our town. Not so today. At the same site there is a Goodwill used clothing store that on a busy day might have 4 employees

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

23, I kind of read through the snoopes article and it didn’t really disprove Easy’s post… more inforced it through a little updated figures… imo …

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I really wish people would stop posting stupid chain information without a little checking first. I’m all for knowing about who to donate to, but these crap emails can really harm those charities that are being lied about.

Please check with or

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Originally posted by xman

I really wish people would stop posting stupid chain information without a little checking first. I’m all for knowing about who to donate to, but these crap emails can really harm those charities that are being lied about.

Please check with or

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Some folks have nothing to do, and all day to do it. Fake news really seems to be the hip thing these days.

Go here:

Click on the “Catalog of Caring” (bottom of left side column)
Each charity has an Annual fundraising and administrative costs as a percentage of total.
For example:
Goodwill is 9.0%, so 91 cents on the dollar goes to the charity, nine cents goes to running the Charity.
March of Dimes is 10.2%
United way worldwide 7.6%
Cerebral Palsy Foundation 54.7%
Pet Partners 47.2%
Cancer and Aging Research Program 49.8%

I told you idiot’s, it was a cut and paste up front! You want to look it up, have at it!

You’re the idiot that posted it. If you are just going to copy and paste BS, why don’t you take a second to verify it.

“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt” - Mark Twain

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

I posted because I could! You want to give to an organization that has bad press of any kind, go for it! It’s not like I vouched for anyone or tried to change your mind! Read the first part, where it says cut and paste! That should have been your first clue! Other than that, FU, Xman!

This may or may not be true! You want to check it, SNOPES, is the best place, to prove everything!

A bit testy are you Easy? Don’t like being called an idiot, after you did the same to those who responded against your foolish post? Just because you can post it, doesn’t mean you need too.

It just so happens that I have donated over 300 hours of my time to the Red Cross each year for the past several years. I have seen how they operate first hand. I see crappy posts about them, I get defensive.

Good day-

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

And just what is crappy, about how much she gets paid!

What you posted is false information which may lead people to donate elsewhere based on incorrect information. Not just the Red Cross either.

You saw something on a media site, assumed it was true (why would you post something you assume was false?), and posted it here, perpetuating bad information. Based on so many opinions on this site about not trusting the media, I’m surprised how often this happens.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Xman, I wouldn’t post something I knew to be untrue! Just so tired of people taking advantage and living large, on the goodness of others!

Exactly, you assumed a chain mail found on line was true. Just verify before posting. I don’t want to see people scammed either.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Easy just admit he’s right. You got fooled by some click bait bs and shared it around starting the witch hunt of outrage. We don’t need you to post every scandal that gets forwarded to you by uncle jimmy or you saw in the ever expanding spam portion of websites.

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