You sound like a tight waded douche, perhaps if you ever had an entry level job you wouldn’t have been so hard on the waitress. Rich white wealthy d*ck.
I tight wadded douche probably wouldn’t have eaten at a restaurant serving entrees at $25, and a Rich White wealthy d*ck would probably know what a Wreckfish was. I’d have to say that Chumking sounds like the kind of client that a waitress would not like to serve, wonder if he even tipped? I’ll go on a limb and say Northern transplant?
she replied “Its wreckfish.” To which I replied “I see that on the menu, but can you tell me what species of fish it is?” I then explained that there is no species called wreckfish</font id=“red”> and that I might be interested in ordering it if I knew what it was that I might be eating. By Chumking. I might have to make this my new profile signature!
If this was a new poster it wouldn’t be as good. But the fact that he has been on since 2002, lives on IOP, and raves about paying big money charters for pelagic excursions makes it all the mo’ better. I don’t think I would post again either after showing what type of person I really am.
Unless the follow up post was, “Ok you guys got me. I was a douche that thought I knew something. My bad, I owe the waitress an apology.”
I guess this is what happens when LSK doesn’t post every week? Poor guy. If nothing else, wreckfish is a stupid name. Kind of like saying reef fish or bottom fish. I say we focus the feds on renaming this one instead of limiting us on catching everything else.
I guess this is what happens when LSK doesn’t post every week? Poor guy. If nothing else, wreckfish is a stupid name. Kind of like saying reef fish or bottom fish. I say we focus the feds on renaming this one instead of limiting us on catching everything else.
The name comes from the juveniles being found with floating ship"wreck" debris on the surface of the eastern Atlantic around the
Azores. It is not because of the adults being fished for around sunken ships. They actually live in very deep water as adults on rocky ledges in water 1000’ - 2500’
NMFS = No More Fishing Season
“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”
How do the commerical guys catch them that deep. Do they bottom drag that deep?
No, they use hydraulic “bandit” reels, spooled with 1/16th cable. They fish 20+ hooks on each drop and it tkes 1/2 hr to get it back up with fish on it
NMFS = No More Fishing Season
“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”