Wrongful death pet attorney

Is there such a thing? If anyone knows of one tnat would take on a case like this, I would love to talk to them.

Thanks in advance…

Most of the pet cases I have seen treat them as property loss instead of wrongful death etc…

Sounds like an uphill climb. Best I could do. Good luck.


Not sure if it would make a difference or not, but the loss is due to malpractice from a Vet. A pretty clear cut case at that.


South Carolina Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

How to File a Complaint

General Information

Initial Complaint

Formal Complaint

Disciplinary Hearing

Final Order

Complaint Form

A. General Information

The South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation may receive complaints against a licensee from any person, including the Board, and shall require the complaints to be submitted in writing, and signed by the complainant. In completing the form, the person making the complaint is referred to as the complainant. The individual the complaint is filed against is referred to as the respondent. Please state all facts briefly and clearly. Also include the (1) name and address of all witnesses and the specific information they possess to substantiate the complaint. Persons who file complaints receive written acknowledgement of receipt of their complaint. Upon completion of the complaint form, mail it, along with any attachments, to the address below. The complaint form may also be sent by fax to: (803) 896-4656.

S.C. Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Office of Investigations and Enforcement
Post Office Box 11329
Columbia, South Carolina 29211-1329

B. Initial Complaint

The person who is the subject of the complaint must be provided a notice of the complaint including the substance of the allegations within five (5) days after the department begins its investigation. The department must submit its investigative findings to the Investigative Review Committee as provided in Section 40-69-20(8), along with any other additional information related to the investigation which may be requested by the IRC members.

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C. Formal Complaint

If the department files a formal complaint, the formal complaint and any answer filed by the licensee must be made available for public inspection. The board administrator shall notify the licensee in writing not less than sixty (

What the heck happened?

The first rule of fight club is…

Phin, Thanks!! Warbler, don’t think I need to discuss it on here right now, but I will keep yall posted on what happens.

do Doctors really police their own?

I knew a guy on the medical malpractice board years ago. I got the idea that the MD’s really didn’t punish the offenders in the assn. repeat, Egregious offenders.

Originally posted by PeaPod

do Doctors really police their own?

I knew a guy on the medical malpractice board years ago. I got the idea that the MD’s really didn’t punish the offenders in the assn. repeat, Egregious offenders.

They do when it is serious enough. The key with malpractice suits is timeliness and being able to pay your medical expert. Having the “independent” investigation by LLR can curb some of the risk in hiring your own expert first because you’ll get a 3rd party perspective from the LLR people about just how bad the care, or lack thereof, was. If there’s a bunch of stuff that comes out in the LLR hearing, then you can have peace of mind in doing what it takes to pay your own expert and bring your malpractice claim. The testimony in LLR hearings is also sworn, and depositions are often conducted by LLR or the doctor’s lawyer. You can use these (again saving you time and money) in some cases if you move on to a malpractice case. You will want an attorney representing you through any of this, and he or she will be aware of time limitations and procedures for the administrative actions of the Medical Board (LLR) and of Civil Court.

With what the OP is saying he wants to do here- the best way to “find any justice,” IMO, would be to file a complaint and possibly look into a malpractice suit.
South Carolina does not allow for recovery for emotional damages from injuries or loss of pets unless the owner was in the presence of the tortfeaser when it happened. So, when a pet is left at a vet’s office, and some injury occurs, there can’t be legal claim for recovery for emotional damages to a claimant resulting from an act unless the act occurred in the presence of the owner.
That leaves you with the medical bills and value of the pet as your sole basis for damages in a neg

I understand what you are saying Phin. As it stands now, they are offering to refund all of their fees plus fees incured at the emergency vet. I can not put a value on my dog (full blooded lab) because in my mind, no amount of money will make what happened right. But in fairness, I paid $600 for him and $3600 for training, so I feel they at least need to cover some or all of that on top of fees incured. He was only 4.5 years old, so its not like he was old and on the way out anyway. Not to mention the time I spend withhim on additional training and the fact that he spend more time with me over the past 4 years than my wife and kid did.

If they’re already trying to make it right (i.e., not stonewalling you), tell them you think that in addition to refunding the fees, they need to pay you for the cost of the dog and training. And, remember, it would be worth it for you take less if they offer less b/c a lawsuit is no guarantee and, even if you win, there will be attorneys fees.

The first rule of fight club is…

^ what he said.

I am really sorry about your buddy.



Luke 8:22-25

I am really sorry about your buddy.

Me too. My dog didn’t very cost much, he was a rescue, but he is by my side 24/7 and I wouldn’t sell him for $1,000,000. Another dog could never replace him at any price.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I’d like to know the vet in question.My daughter worked as a vet tech on John’s Island and had a very strong negative opinion about one practice in the area.

that really sucks man. sorry for your loss

“mr keys”

Sorry for your loss.I suggest you settle and move on.All the pressure on you is not helpful.


So, as it stands, they had their attorney draw up a settlement letter and want to pay me for the vet bills. I told them I would come pick up the letter and have my attorney look it over. That said I can’t do that, so basically they want to cover their rear with one, but don’t want me to do the same.

Man, sorry for your loss, You just cannot describe the attachment with a good hunting dog…

Update: First, I would like to thank everyone for their condolences… It really means a lot and would also like to thank everyone for their advise.

I spoke with them again in detail. I explained my side and what I felt was fair. They agreed and will compensate me additional to incurred fees to also include what I paid for Rebel and what I paid for training. I am satisfied with this and will sign a release. Like I explained to them, it wasn’t about the money as much as it was about doing what was right. No amount of money would make what happened right and fill the hole I have in my life right now, but maybe taking the settlement and getting another “best” friend will help a little. I’m not going to do anything right now, just don’t think I’m ready…

Glad to hear you got some resolution in the case .I am very sorry for your loss,made me cry. To loose a pup friend is like losing a part of yourself. Take the time to heal I lost my girl in August and I am just now thinking of getting a pup so my lil dog has a pal while I am at work. The memories you had together will last a lifetime so reflect on those fond times and keep his picture close to your heart.