Succinctly, does anyone happen to have for sale or know anyone selling land of the following specs:
min 80acres, max 400
within 120mi of CHS/MP
water (river or pong/flooder timber)
hogs, deer, turkey
house (not required, but ideal)
Figure any place that has hogs will also have deer and turkey. I know hogs are nomadic and will roam, but much of the listings I’m finding indicate everything but hogs.
Don’t have a preference which direction, just within a couple hours. Any input as to where (which towns, areas of various counties, etc) I should focus a search would be much appreciated.
For hogs you need fresh water, cover and food sources. I have shot truck loads of feral hogs , and it got to the point where it was boring. a few things I have learned - If you see a hog, you probably wont see a deer. don’t bait hogs with cob corn. they will eat it so fast that you will come to hate them. The best bait is to dig a deep post hole, mix the soil with shelled corn and refill the hole. Then get a cheap 3 liter grape soda and pour it on top of the fresh dirt. Drive 4 long sections of rebar in the ground around the hole. The gang will camp out near by and will eat the grape flavored dirt. All your hogs will have bloody noses, After you kill enough you will hate them too.
I got 47.6 w/ 600’ of river frontage, another 1000 or so around it in timber owned by RMS, 44 more adjoining it that may come for sale and some more that could be had for the right price. Deer, turkey, few hogs, ducks, one covey I know of, a pond and a dock permit with access to Winyah Bay in 15 minutes. Located in Georgetown. $375K.
I hunt a club 3-4 miles from it loaded with hogs.
Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne
I got 47.6 w/ 600’ of river frontage, another 1000 or so around it in timber owned by RMS, 44 more adjoining it that may come for sale and some more that could be had for the right price. Deer, turkey, few hogs, ducks, one covey I know of, a pond and a dock permit with access to Winyah Bay in 15 minutes. Located in Georgetown. $375K.
Mark, if I understand correctly you’ve got 47, maybe 91, and maybe more(?!) to sell. Do you mind shooting me a note with details/location, manhattkat at ya who com.