you reap what you sow

These Dem states & cities are on the verge of falling & they deserve it.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

Anyone with a shred of common sense and/or a little critical thinking skills knows you are correct.

What heck do these idiots believe when you already have a crime ridden city and then DEFUND the police!!! We’ve just got started on the ride with Biden and crew and already inflation is higher than it’s been in 40 years. Take a look at the military, the media and Government is keeping it quiet, but members are ditching out left and right. Mostly over the vax mandate and having the worst leader EVER and how he pizzed all over them in the departure from Afghanistan.


I have little sympathy for the people that continue to elect these airheaded morons. California is getting what it has voted or. Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., Detroit and other cities run by liberals for years are shiteholes and the citizens need only to look into a mirror to see who is responsible. Those same people have been voting democrat for years and what have they really gained? They are all slaves to the government because they rely on the government for practically everything. Liberals are all about feelings and emotions and seem to do little to no critical thinking. They seldom if ever, look at the “big picture” and consider long-term results. Examples:

Cutting your LE budget results in fewer officers/equipment = more crime, slower response times, etc…
Allowing illegals to enter, stay, use services they don’t pay for = an over-taxed, over-burdened system of government
Money for every illegitimate baby you have = more babies without a daddy and a lousy, irresponsible mom
Taxing the middle class to death = fewer middle class which means ultimately more takers than makers
Allowing cities to become drug/crime/homeless infested dung heaps = fewer decent, law-abiding, producing citizens.

The truth is, I have no faith in government, left or right but at least the right isn’t insane. They all get into office, make a lifetime career of it, get rich and do (**() little for the people they are supposed to serve. HOW do these “people” get rich in public office? I don’t think the founding fathers ever envisioned people making politics a career.

Okay, rant over.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I agree 100% with both of you.
These offices should have a max term just like the president. That way if we have sheet officials like our president is now at least we know in X amount of years they are done & we get new blood. Hopefully better than the past one.
Almost all politicians get into politics so they can go from millionaires to billionaires.

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nikki haley 2024

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

I had Niki and Scott as my dream team… But I’ve swapped it to DeSantis and Kristi Lynn Noem. I do think Niki would do a good job, more eloquent than Trump but still has that bull dog stance over stupid stuff.

I used to be a Nikki fan but, the more I found out about her the less I liked her. That’s a conversation I’ll only do offline. I like DeSantis and Noem myself. I like Tim Scott as well.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I was think more a long the lines of Hank Jr & Ted Nugent. :sunglasses:
Let’s really clean this place up.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

Hanks got too mellowed out. How about Ted and Kid Rock?

Works for me.
American Badass.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

Mickey mouse and Goofy would work for me at this point… Biden on the t.v. this morning smiling as he says this record inflation is under control. The dimwits massive spending and reversal of everything Trump did is what caused this inflation. Glad the last Build back better stupid spending bill got stopped.

We the People…

Here’s a fairly new one for ya from Ted…

Now I’m primed up and ready for Friday!

This Canadian truck convoy that is the Worlds largest is getting as much media coverage as the millions rallying across America in support of Trump before the election that Biden got 81 million votes and of those more Black votes than Obuma did. When you watch live t.v. and see with your own eyes certain polling sights and watch biden’s vote go up by the same number that Trumps went down by? No I just don’t believe it. CEO’s telling us that NO voting machine was hooked to the internet during voting… PROVEN LIES, many if not all were connected. 76 to 81? b.s.

As I was watching the videos Fred posted this video popped up.
Check it out.

I’m sorry , but I never would want to loose my job but there is NO WAY in Heck I would ever put my values & beliefs to the side to keep my job.
Nor would I want to work for am employer who tried to force me to.
More & more people like this guy need to stand up to crap like this going on in the media & work place.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

Just can’t believe this crap.
I wish they had the full interview so I could hear his full story.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

You don’t need his full story. He needs to be canceled. Giving drugs to youth? This is the dude that needs to be canceled… not those like Joe Rogen and so many others.