Your biggest stock trade mistake...

I’ll go first…

In the 2007 crisis, I bought 10,000 shares of Citibank for 99 cents. A few hours later, they announced on the news that the banks would likely fail and be taken over by the government. The stock dropped to 69 cents and I nervously sold out of it thinking it would go to $0… My loss was an instant $3000.

But that’s not the worst part… Today, CitiBank is $62 a share…

If I would have held onto it, that $10,000 investment would be worth $620,000.

Who can top that one?

With the kind of money I have, I certainly can’t top any of your investment gains or losses. I did buy some Ford stock at $8.00 thinking it would go up. All it does is hover around $11-12. My wife on the other hand has a pretty good track record but plays small numbers.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Not buying MUX with both hands

Originally posted by skinneej

I’ll go first…

In the 2007 crisis, I bought 10,000 shares of Citibank for 99 cents. A few hours later, they announced on the news that the banks would likely fail and be taken over by the government. The stock dropped to 69 cents and I nervously sold out of it thinking it would go to $0… My loss was an instant $3000.

But that’s not the worst part… Today, CitiBank is $62 a share…

If I would have held onto it, that $10,000 investment would be worth $620,000.

Who can top that one?

WoW!! That would be like hitting the lottery.

Can not top that! Hindsight is 20-20… or so they say.

Only investment I manage to do is what Edward Jones does for me. I’m very ignorant to stocks.

“Why Bruce?”

I threw PeaPod a tip on Bear Sterns when that knife was falling…unfortunately I grabbed at it with both hands…too big to fail they said…obviously too big for my Thinkorswim account…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Invested in synthetic pig semen. Struthers was the name of the company.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Originally posted by skinneej

I’ll go first…

In the 2007 crisis, I bought 10,000 shares of Citibank for 99 cents. A few hours later, they announced on the news that the banks would likely fail and be taken over by the government. The stock dropped to 69 cents and I nervously sold out of it thinking it would go to $0… My loss was an instant $3000.

But that’s not the worst part… Today, CitiBank is $62 a share…

If I would have held onto it, that $10,000 investment would be worth $620,000.

Who can top that one?

Citibank had a 10-1 reverse split in 2011, still a great story though.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Fritz that actually makes me feel 10x better!!!

For me buying stocks sucks period. I loose on them all. The lot where my home today sits I bought for 55k…When I built they were selling for 180k. I live in an area in Charlotte called Ballantyne. I bought and have built a commercial building that has tripled in value in 2 years. When it comes to equities. …I buy funds.

Originally posted by Redstripe

For me buying stocks sucks period. I loose on them all. The lot where my home today sits I bought for 55k…When I built they were selling for 180k. I live in an area in Charlotte called Ballantyne. I bought and have built a commercial building that has tripled in value in 2 years. When it comes to equities. …I buy funds.

Just tell us which stocks you buy next and we will short them. Then, if we become rich, we will take you fishing.

PS, I used to live in the Ballentyne area. Haven’t been there in 10 years though!!! I lived in the apartments across from StoneCrest.

Monies are starting to move from junk to investment grade bonds… Timber…


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Monies are starting to move from junk to investment grade bonds… Timber…


I just started a small position on YUMC this morning. Not the price I wanted, but I want to DCA in...

Some serious Money could have been made on an early 2000’s Apple investment.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

Some serious Money could have been made on an early 2000’s Apple investment.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

I worked for Microsoft back then. AAPL was on the verge of bankruptcy. If I recall, Microsoft breathed life back into them with a $100M investment. Wow, in hindsight that was probably the worst\most costly $100M that Microsoft ever spent!!!

AAPL might have died on the vine and now they are one of the largest competitors (depending on market).

Microsoft never made phones.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

Microsoft never made phones.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.


tel mex

Pioneer 197SF

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Monies are starting to move from junk to investment grade bonds… Timber…


I believe you. What’s your Source though? Sell in May and go away?

I figgered that intrest on my CDs would go up to 21% like it did during the Carter time, when they elected Obama, boy was I screwed!

AIG! When the bottom dropped out @ 6$. Figured it would come back. 2K and still waiting:face_with_head_bandage: