Here are 2 pictures of my trim tab off my Yamaha F150.
It’s worn pretty bad but my question is why after 14 months and not kept in the water
(Kept in a dry stack) would this be chewed up so bad? Is this common?
Never had this on my last boat and that was kept in the water?
Some may think it’s not bad but I think it’s odd!
bad enough to need replacement.
not unusual
Stray electrical current in your battery system can cause this I believe.
Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat
Be glad it the zinks not the motor!
Check to make sure your bonding wires are attached, they bond the motor bracket to the outboard. Thin twisted wire. They should be one also under zinc under the notor bracket.
Since your dry stacked, have you kept the boat in the water, say for four hours, tied up at the local watering hole, having a drink? Friend of mine, like you, kept his boat in dry stack. Went boating/drinking, left the boat at the dock at the bar, not his marina. Came back the next day, grab the boat, went back to his marina, lifted out with the fork truck, his trim tab zinc & motor bracket zinc were almost gone. Turns out the SAME dock bar/marina had a water imersion electocution of a swimmer the next day. His bonding wire WAS NOT connected. Only thing I can think of, there was stray 120V electricity in the water at the slip at the dock bar, eating his zincs overnight.
If that green wire, grounding the marina 120V electric circut is not connected, it can eat motor zincs in a hurry. It happens alot in marinas. They should be checked like motel pools.
Fishing the beaches, Bays & Ocean of Wildwood/Cape May, NJ
Soon a resident of Georgetown, SC
Thanks for that very good piece of information which I will Check on when I go to my boat this weekend. It could be worse but I just found it odd to be worn that fast.
Thanks for that. I am from Jersey and miss the fishing. I was just up there fishing in a fluke tournament this past 15th and 16th. Let me know when your a resident of Georgetown . We can fish if you like. My father in law’s boat is in the Georgetown marina and I’m down in Charleston area.
I appreciate your response!!
Tidewater 198 CC
Wonder if someone else liked your nice new-looking tabs and you just now noticed the result.
Originally posted by DG34YFWonder if someone else liked your nice new-looking tabs and you just now noticed the result.
I doubt if a thief would have the gumption to actually “swap” them. He’d just steal em and leave it missing.
“Why Bruce?”