10 Years

I’ve been a member of CF.com now for 10 years. Sure, there’s been some ups and downs, but its always been entertaining. Are you not entertained!!!

Thank you Pickett family for hosting such a fun/ controversial/ political but not political/ religious but not religious/ happy/ sad/ fair/ unfair/ unique/ fishing/ hunting/ college football fanatical/ photographic/ outdoorsman/ outdoorswoman/ family oriented website that over the years I have come to love and cherish. Some of my best friends today I’ve met as a result of fishing with people off this forum. For this I offer my sincere gratitude.

Please band Peapod when you wrassle up a free minute.



Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


10 years… Rookie…

I thought it was BAN??? LOL Unless Peapod plays a flute.


thanks to this site I have found a pool to pee freely in, met new friends just because of the creeks I play in, won a fishing tournament, reconnected with a friend from 25+ years ago, made lots of new friends, bought and sold some cool chit I prolly didn’t need in the first place, discovered just how many of you like a good oyster roast and discovered the secret to good catfish bite…thank you all…and yes, The Pod must be dealt with accordingly…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

May regret asking this as I’ve only been here couple of years, but here goes ! Why ya’ll pick on Pea so hard ??? just wondering !!!:wink:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I’ve been a member of CF.com now for 10 years. Sure, there’s been some ups and downs, but its always been entertaining. Are you not entertained!!!

Thank you Pickett family for hosting such a fun/ controversial/ political but not political/ religious but not religious/ happy/ sad/ fair/ unfair/ unique/ fishing/ hunting/ college football fanatical/ photographic/ outdoorsman/ outdoorswoman/ family oriented website that over the years I have come to love and cherish. Some of my best friends today I’ve met as a result of fishing with people off this forum. For this I offer my sincere gratitude.

Please band Peapod when you wrassle up a free minute.



Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


1931.9 posts a year and he’s reset it once.

Truly prolific.

Amen Ricky! Great site. I’ve made friends, learned stuff, eaten some great oysters and other goodies and met some of the finest people ever here. Probably spent too much time here but it has been educational and entertaining.

Why ya'll pick on Pea so hard ???? just wondering !!!

Come on, really?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Dang Skippy! Makes my downtime enjoyable for sure! Thanks to the Picketts for my favorite way to waste my time.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Yes. Thank you pickets. I’m callin penny on the rest of you.

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Been here about 2 years, learned lots so far. Thanks all!

Great post,I’ve met some good people on here myself… If I had to pic one of my favorites,how can it not be Miss Penny? First time I drove up to her house I tried to shake hands w her and she wasn’t having none of that and gave me a big ole hug…

Got to meet her dad later on and that was special…
Not going into alot of details but I know that my wife and I are on her mind and in her prayers as I share my thanks for being a small part of CF.Com.

Those of you who are married and glad of it,hug your wife today long and hard for me…

I’d be a fool if ever didn’t show my wife the love she truly deserves.

Cape, let us know if there’s anything you need. I really hope all is well with you and Mrs. Cape.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Congrats Ricky, I think you deserve a T shirt (for the Peapod comment alone)
My 10 yr will be fall 2016.
I can’t even say how much I have learned on this site (excluding the BS of course). I’d be embarrassed to say how much time I spend browsing the site. Of course I’m staring at a PC all day anyway.
If you have never met Andy, he is a great guy I’m glad to call him my friend.
Bob Sanders used to say there is no equal to this site anywhere else in the US.

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

Originally posted by PeaPod

Yes. Thank you pickets. I’m callin penny on the rest of you.

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Get off my thread sir…

Oh wait, are you free to gig this week?

If not, get out of my thread!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Thanks for this thread. I was just having lunch with an old friend the other day and he asked how long the site had been up and running. I surprised myself when I answered 15+ years. It is hard to believe that we started in April of 2000. I am grateful for all of the great people that post on here each day. Like many I’ve made some lifelong friends through the site, that I probably would not have met otherwise. I am humbled by the community I see when someone on this site is in need it is truly incredible to watch people come to the aid of people they may have never even met. I find myself laughing at some of the funny things people say and the ribbing we give each other on a regular basis. It reminds me a lot of growing up on our boat fishing and someone was always giving someone else a hard time. It was what we did and it is what I do with my son and his friends when they fish with us today. The site is just an extension of a fishing trip for me at times. Thanks again to everyone that keeps the site a source of information and entertainment for all of us.

I’m just a newbie here, only been a member for 4 years, but proud to be here with yall fine people. This is one of the best fishing and boating forums on the Internet. It beats THT all to heck IMO.

And yall leave the Peapod alone, dang bunch of bullies.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Thanks for the vote of confidence Andy! Does that mean the I’m Poof Proof again:question::imp::wink: I get a lot of fun from this site and the folks posting here! Ya’ll, are an OK bunch! Even 23 Sellsfish and the Pee Pod:wink:

Happy 10 year anniversary. I have gotten to fish with a couple of guys here, and am hoping to increase that number someday. CF.com helps ease the longing I have to move to coastal SC (actually, it probably increases the longing). Maybe someday…but if not I enjoy being able to at least be a part of the online community here. Some of y’all crack me up.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Didn’t mean to hijack your thread Ricky… Your post was a gesture of appreciation and kindness that makes this site special…

Now tell me where you been sticking them doormats,remember “I love you man.”[:I]

I agree with ya’ll,it’s been 10 years for me as well and I have learned alot,meet good folks,and got some good entertainment.

Double D.