-11 and missing Coosaw!!!

-11 was showing on my truck readout this morning on the way to work…really wanted to just keep driving SE until I could open the windows to get that lowcountry smell back in the truck!!!

Catch a few for me today some one!!!

-11? Maybe time to get that readout fixed:wink:

A visit to Coosaw would fix it :slight_smile:

I was at the ramp at 6 this morning looking for you Dadfsr! :smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

-11? Maybe time to get that readout fixed:wink:

He’s talking about Indiana lol…it was a rough one here today, Doug[:I]!!!

I’m talking about Augusta. 15 of us were having a meeting this morning in the middle of a 300 acre field where a large Solar Farm is going to be built and that wind was a blowin…Brrrrr!


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”


Hey Wildlife, were you at the ramp this morning for real?!?
Our temperatures here weren’t too far off his truck reading up there!
If you went fishing, I would love to know how it turned out for you. If anyone stood a chance of catching them today it would be you!

Originally posted by wildlifesc

I was at the ramp at 6 this morning looking for you Dadfsr! :smiley:

Dang it Jim you need to give me about 16 hours notice :smiley:

No Saluda…even I have my limits! I have now adopted the policy that temps less than my age are too dang cold! :smiley: I remember fishing Lake Murray for stripers at 20 degrees and below…having to break the ice from the eyes to cast. Caught fish, but not as much fun. And you will NEVER catch me fishing thru a hole in the ice unless there’s a possibility of landing a mermaid.

G8rnsc & I fished Tuesday am and caught 6 keeper reds, but the wind got up so we left at 11. I can take the cold, but not the wind!

I have discovered how to keep warm while winter fishing. I bought a Zippo hand warmer…the one that uses lighter fuel…about $14 on Amazon. Runs 14 hours on a fill and I put it in my left breast pocket. My winter wear keeps that heat inside and I think it warms the blood…because I stay toasty. When g8r & I fished, I took a couple of the chemical pocket warmers and put one in each breast pocket. Worked almost the same.

I hear ya. Haven’t fished since New Year’s Day. It seems we had a run of consistent weather and consistent water temps over the holidays. It made for some good fishing. Think I am going to lay out this weekend…guess it would be hard fishing.

I will have to try one of the Zippos…especially for the days when I am having to break the ice from my eyes!!!