123rd Annual CF.com Member's Oyster Roast 1/30/16

I will try to attend again, I believe 3rd year in a row.

will be bringing a load of firewood.
Also have a propane shop heater if
you think it might be needed.

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by Big Wes

After a long hiatus since 2009, the beautiful Dr. Brady and I will come this year. We’ll throw a donation in the pot for some supplies if someone will let me know where to send it.

There won’t be anybody collecting any money so if you would like to do something might I suggest ordering a bushel of oysters from Paul?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Alrighty then…I will do it as soon as I get back from Cali.

The more we just complain…the more things stay the same.

2 bushels spoken for so far (justretired, I know you said you might go to 2, will advise)…other items we’ll def need: paper plates and napkins (sophish, know you said you’d bring some too), paper towels, trash bags, non-alcoholic drinks (alcohol is allowed, but please just bring your own) like sweet tea, lemonade or bottled water, name tags, tablecloths, forks/knives/spoons, ice, sweets, sides, etc, etc…

if you’ve never been before there are plenty of picnic tables for seating and serving, but bring your own chair if you like (especially is the sun is out)…if it is cold there is a fireplace and justretired will bring firewood to keep stonoman’s bones warm…if you’d like to help wash oysters bring your slickers…I’ll have milk crates, hose, etc to wash and clean them…there is a brick grill so if you’d like you can bring charcoal and whatever you’d like to cook (burger, dogs, etc)…if you plan on doing that and need help with condiments please just ask…

what else am I missing?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

oh and one more thing…did you finish off that nice, pretty bottle of liquor over the holidays? if so and you are looking to get rid of it, bring it to the oyster roast and I’ll take it off your hands! Bonzo’s Bottles is looking for a few good bottles!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Bonzo I have about 300 # of charcoal if needed,I am also bringing my smoker. I will check as the time gets closer.I am still in for the Plates and some Napkins.

Originally posted by sophish

Bonzo I have about 300 # of charcoal if needed,I am also bringing my smoker. I will check as the time gets closer.I am still in for the Plates and some Napkins.

10-4 your cooker would be easier to use than the brick grill they have there…thanks!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by Bonzo72

oh and one more thing…did you finish off that nice, pretty bottle of liquor over the holidays? if so and you are looking to get rid of it, bring it to the oyster roast and I’ll take it off your hands! Bonzo’s Bottles is looking for a few good bottles!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

I had a full bottle for you, but if you only want empty ones I guess I’ll just have to empty it first.

Oh well


Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I had a full bottle for you, but if you only want empty ones I guess I’ll just have to empty it first.

Oh well

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Bonzo just drinks beer, remember? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

OK. What do we need? My group will bring seafood stew, pay for a bushel of oysters and bring brownies for dessert.

22 Sea Hunt

Originally posted by marshgrass

OK. What do we need? My group will bring seafood stew, pay for a bushel of oysters and bring brownies for dessert.

that’s a great start…see my post almost at the end of page one for what else we need…how many is in your group?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

6 adults and 2 children

22 Sea Hunt


The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Man this sounds good. Would be nice to put a face with some of the names on here and some good chow. If I don’t have to work I may try to make it down. I will call Paul if I do. I get a mean craving for oysters when it get cold outside - but, hate the crowd you have to deal with at Boone Hall.

J Ford

We ( at least I) will be there. I will get with Marla and will bring some venison chili, as usual.

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I had a full bottle for you, but if you only want empty ones I guess I’ll just have to empty it first.

Oh well

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Bonzo just drinks beer, remember? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

I recall a fishing story one very early morning involving two boats both not wanting to pull anchor, a fishing rod, and a full bottle of something cinimon flavored and that bottle being passed from boat to boat via 20lb test.

Am I misremembering?


I'm coming and I'll be bringing peapod,Dfreedom, and Mrs. Sailfish. Mark me down.

Still coming, not sure if my ride is still available but it will be myself, the Mrs and both boys. I’ll look over the list and let you know what we’ll be bringing.

Are we still going to have the sell/trade/giveaway table?

What kind of bottles are you looking for?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’m 90% sure I’ll be there. The wife has to work. I’ll bring what I can. I can also pick up a few bags of ice if needed.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I am going to make it this year and doing my best to talk Mrs Ayejoe into coming. I think she’s a little leery after some of the stories i’ve shared off of here!

Originally posted by Bolbie

…the harbor was slick as an eel pecker.

Originally posted by bgf

We ( at least I) will be there. I will get with Marla and will bring some venison chili, as usual.

so I can put you down for 1 bushel? am I reading that right?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org