Welcome everyone to the 13th Annual Hilton Head Harbor Wahoo Shootout and Mahi challenge!
Going into our 13th year is exciting, and we want you, to share in the fishing, fun and the excitement with us!
Once again Yamaha and Hilton Head BoatHouse www.hhboathouse.net have stepped up big with Guaranteed Prize Money! </font id=“red”>
Hilton Head Boathouse and Simrad have also teamed up to bring us something new for 2017!
The Mahi Challenge, the Team that weighs the heaviest Mahi of the tournament wins a Simrad NSS7 EVO2 with Total Scan! Valued at $1,400.00!!</font id=“blue”>
Captains meeting is at Hilton Head Harbor, on April 17th, 5:pm the meeting will start around 6:30pm. We have great food! Henry and the crew at www.pioneerboats.com will be cooking up an amazing storm!!
We will have some great sponsor gifts to give away, and who knows there may be another surprise!
Pick 1 fish day from April 19th-22nd!
This is an open inlet event, the weigh in is at Hilton Head Harbor. Check out www.islandshootout.com for information, or you can email me at wahooshootout@aol.com
See you there!

The 13 Annual Hilton Head Harbor Wahoo Shootout, now has the new Mahi Challenge for 2017!
The challenge is brought to us by Hilton Head Boathouse and Simrad! The team that weighs in the largest Mahi wins a new Simrad Simrad NSS7 EVO2
with Total Scan valued at $1,400 ! (no addition entry fee to win the mani challenge)
The event is coming up with Captains meeting April 17th at Hilton Head harbor. Great food will be provided by Henry and the crew at Pioneer boats, and we will have awesome prizes to give away!
Make your plans today!

It’s coming up quick, the 13 Annual Hilton Head Harbor Wahoo Shootout and Mahi Challenge!!
Come join the fun and excitement!
The Captains meeting is at Hilton Head Harbor on Monday April 17th. Registration begins at 5pm and the meeting will start around 6pm.(if you can’t make the meeting you can mail in a registration)
Henry and the crew from www.Pioneerboats.com will be throwing down some good food for us!
Hilton Head Boathouse, Yamaha, and Simrad are guaranteeing some great prizes and money!</font id=“red”>
We weighed a 33.3lb Mahi in the Series this week, the bite should be good!
www.islandshootout.com for info, or email me at marc@scwahooseries.com
Thank You!!