$15 an Hour...........Really?

Went to visit my dad this morning (he is in a nursing home). I usually take a couple of biscuits or something so decided to stop at McDonald’s for a couple of egg mcmuffins. I placed a 4 item order and had to repeat it 5 times. Twice I actually had to point to the menu to refer to what I was ordering. You would have thought I had asked the guy to do a trig problem or something. There is a reason many of these people are working fast food. There is another reason such a job isn’t worth $15/hour.

Sorry, between almost getting run off the road by a woman putting on makeup on I-77 and another blocking the left lane while texting, I had to vent. Rant over.

Dam, where is a cop when you need one

Off duty in my POV.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by Fishb8

Dam, where is a cop when you need one

I laughed so hard when I read that.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

They’re all going to be replaced by kiosks, but they’re too dumb to realize it. The act of communicating your order to a living person is way more complicated than just tapping an item on a giant touch screen, so why pay someone $15/hr to do it less efficiently???

Had a young girl cashier in a Piggly Wiggly, ask me what was the asparagus, I put in front of her! Maybe 15 an hour, would have broadened her culinary experience’s:question: Bet if it was Okra, she would have known what it was:imp:

Originally posted by Fishb8

Dam, where is a cop when you need one


They're all going to be replaced by kiosks, but they're too dumb to realize it. The act of communicating your order to a living person is way more complicated than just tapping an item on a giant touch screen, so why pay someone $15/hr to do it less efficiently????

Dang ED, I don’t normally agree with much you say but I believe you are spot on with this.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’ve been to sushi restaurants in Japan where all ordering was done with a touch screen at your table, then there is a conveyor belt that runs by every table and your orders are delivered that way. There was a cashier that you could pay cash to (you could also pay at your table with a card swipe). Drinks were delivered by hand since I guess they could spill on the conveyor belt.

50 or so people in the restaurant and only 2-3 staff + kitchen workers behind the scenes.

Fast food workers are begging to make themselves obsolete with this $15/hr nonsense.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Originally posted by Native_Son

Fast food workers are begging to make themselves obsolete with this $15/hr nonsense.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

No job = free ice cream in there minds. besides they probably don’t have the common sense to realize what you posted.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

They’re all going to be replaced by kiosks, but they’re too dumb to realize it. The act of communicating your order to a living person is way more complicated than just tapping an item on a giant touch screen, so why pay someone $15/hr to do it less efficiently???

Exactly; I’d rather communicate directly with the cook anyway. Hire a cook that can read, set up an interactive electronic menu, and be done with it.


It’s just basic economics. Does minimum wage need to be increased? Yes, but not doubled. Anyone that runs a business will do a quick cost benefit analysis to figure out if those very simple minimum wage jobs can be replaced by one of the hundreds of thousands of new technology startups popping up every day. Guess what machines don’t need: vacation, sick days, benefits, payroll taxes, workman’s comp, supervision overhead, and maternity leave among other things. You’re asking for your job task to be innovated away from you. What we really need to address is why we don’t pay actual skilled labor more. The day fast food workers earn as much as a starting welder is the beginning of the very end of manufacturing in America.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

It’s just basic economics. Does minimum wage need to be increased? Yes, but not doubled. Anyone that runs a business will do a quick cost benefit analysis to figure out if those very simple minimum wage jobs can be replaced by one of the hundreds of thousands of new technology startups popping up every day. Guess what machines don’t need: vacation, sick days, benefits, payroll taxes, workman’s comp, supervision overhead, and maternity leave among other things. You’re asking for your job task to be innovated away from you. What we really need to address is why we don’t pay actual skilled labor more. The day fast food workers earn as much as a starting welder is the beginning of the very end of manufacturing in America.

Edisto, like DF said above, I almost never agree with you. But, here I agree with almost all of what you say. Almost.

The assertion that the minimum wage should be increase fails to realize that all you’re doing is removing the bottom rungs of the economic ladder.

How do you get a decent job?
Education. Experience. A good work record.

In SC for any person that maintains a B average through high school, state Lottery funds will pay tuition at a number of state schools. Are they the best schools in the state? No. Are they pretty good? Yep. Do you get to live on campus and get the college experience? Nope. But, you can go to a local school and get an education.

Back to Experience and a work record: how do you convince someone offering a ‘decent’ paying job that you’re a good candidate? First, you need a job that an inexperienced person with no work history can get and master. Flipping burgers is one such job. It gives the inexperienced/under educated/unproven worker the bottom level opportunity to demonstrate

Took Mom and the family to Denny’s yesterday for Mother’s Day brunch. Went up to the cashier to pay, told her i would put the tip on the card. She asked how much, I said put 20%… On a $56 tab before taxes, she put $6… No, they don’t deserve $15 per hour!!

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Here it comes. From -

Wendy's bringing self-ordering kiosks, new app to the masses in 2016

“We’re going to be using the first half of this year to get really operationally good at the way in which the kiosks work and to ramp up production,” Chief Information Officer David Trimm said at the company’s annual investor conference. “We expect that to be in general availability in the second half of the year.”

It appears that $15/hr is above the threshold for vendors to automate. The lower rungs of the ladder are rapidly disappearing.

17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Originally posted by PalmerScott

Here it comes. From -

Wendy's bringing self-ordering kiosks, new app to the masses in 2016

“We’re going to be using the first half of this year to get really operationally good at the way in which the kiosks work and to ramp up production,” Chief Information Officer David Trimm said at the company’s annual investor conference. “We expect that to be in general availability in the second half of the year.”

It appears that $15/hr is above the threshold for vendors to automate. The lower rungs of the ladder are rapidly disappearing.

17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

The older I get the more OK I am with not having to interact with people at places like this. Slowly but surely, automation is taking the place of low to zero skilled positions and I welcome it. Airport kiosks are way faster than people, fast food will be too. If we could only replace half of the people at the DMV with computers, this country would be a better place!

May all your favorite bands stay together…

I’m 60 years old. In my life I’ve learned to do many things that I could make a living at. My longest tenured job was a tractor trailer driver for Dominos Pizza. One morning while making a delivery, and just after the store had opened, a couple of guys (drivers) were standing around folding pizza boxes. At that point they had not yet received any orders to deliver. One of them started spouting off about needing a better job, he wasn’t happy with folding boxes.

I asked him, “What type of skills do you have?” His rely was “huh, what do you mean?” I then asked “what the heck do you know how to do?” to which he replied, “nothing”!

So, my next comments were “So, you’re going to go over to McDonalds & get a job? Over there when they don’t need you, they send you home!” “Here, you’re getting paid to fold boxes until you have a delivery to make.” “So, your getting paid to be here for when you’re needed”! “You’re getting paid what it’s worth. Until you improve your skill set, this is all you’re qualified to do”.

His next remark, was “so, you’re just a truck driver!” To which I replied, “yes, but I’m making $70,000 a year, and you’re making minimum wage.” “I can do what you do, but you can’t do what I do, thus the difference in pay!” “I’ve learned to do other things too that I can fall back on if needed, you, can’t do anything else but minimum wage jobs!”

I’m all for anyone making a good living, but this “entitlement BS” has gotten out of hand. Dang, if you want to make a decent living, GO LEARN TO DO SOMETHING!

You are not entitled to live better because of
your race
your gender
your sexual preference
your politics
your life situation

The only reason you should make a better living is you got off your lazy butt & learned to do something that pays better!

I have 4 kids, all grown now & all doing well with good paying jobs. I didn’t pay a dime towards their getting where they are, other than normal growing up expenses. They all learned things on their own.

My only daughter, who is now 3

I saw Chick Fil A has an app as well.

Just because somebody isn’t smart doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to make a living wage.

DF maybe they couldn’t hear you or understand your accent.

Easy maybe she’s not from around here and has simply never seen it before. My GF is a few months from being a PA grad from MUSC so not exactly a dummy but she’s from Boston and hasn’t spent a ton of time outdoors. She never knew that Pecans grew on trees, or peanuts grew in the ground and green peanuts are bitter (I made her eat one at the grocery store).

Viper, did she get busy with other tables in between and could have forgotten what you said so she put a conservative tip on?

We all make mistakes. Anyone ever walk to a room across the house and forgot what you went to get? Just because Sally at Denny’s didn’t give herself a big tip doesn’t mean she should have to make so little she needs government assistance to eat.

First, Most, Biggest

Couldn’t hear me or didn’t understand my “accent”? I was the only customer in there and he heard his co-workers just fine. As for an accent, I speak southern, so did he. I’ve seen most of your posts, liberal indeed. Rather than meet the conversation with anything cogent, you choose the liberal way of making excuses or saying everyone deserves to make a living wage. With that, I agree but NOT peddling fast food. One must have some skills to offer and punching buttons on a cash register does not warrant $15/hour. You either completely missed the POINT of my post or just chose to apply feelings and emotions and ignored it.

Oh, and it is not a case of being smart, it is a case of at least being intelligent enough to realize that selling hamburgers is no way to make a living. It should illustrate to you that you need to obtain some kind of skills to offer to the world.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?