$15 an Hour...........Really?

Originally posted by bigjim5589

I’m 60 years old. In my life I’ve learned to do many things that I could make a living at. My longest tenured job was a tractor trailer driver for Dominos Pizza. One morning while making a delivery, and just after the store had opened, a couple of guys (drivers) were standing around folding pizza boxes. At that point they had not yet received any orders to deliver. One of them started spouting off about needing a better job, he wasn’t happy with folding boxes.

I asked him, “What type of skills do you have?” His rely was “huh, what do you mean?” I then asked “what the heck do you know how to do?” to which he replied, “nothing”!

So, my next comments were “So, you’re going to go over to McDonalds & get a job? Over there when they don’t need you, they send you home!” “Here, you’re getting paid to fold boxes until you have a delivery to make.” “So, your getting paid to be here for when you’re needed”! “You’re getting paid what it’s worth. Until you improve your skill set, this is all you’re qualified to do”.

His next remark, was “so, you’re just a truck driver!” To which I replied, “yes, but I’m making $70,000 a year, and you’re making minimum wage.” “I can do what you do, but you can’t do what I do, thus the difference in pay!” “I’ve learned to do other things too that I can fall back on if needed, you, can’t do anything else but minimum wage jobs!”

I’m all for anyone making a good living, but this “entitlement BS” has gotten out of hand. Dang, if you want to make a decent living, GO LEARN TO DO SOMETHING!

You are not entitled to live better because of
your race
your gender
your sexual preference
your politics
your life situation

The only reason you should make a better living is you got off your lazy butt & learned to do something that pays better!

I have 4 kids, all grown now & all doing well with good paying jobs.

Originally posted by DFreedom

Couldn’t hear me or didn’t understand my “accent”? I was the only customer in there and he heard his co-workers just fine. As for an accent, I speak southern, so did he. I’ve seen most of your posts, liberal indeed. Rather than meet the conversation with anything cogent, you choose the liberal way of making excuses or saying everyone deserves to make a living wage. With that, I agree but NOT peddling fast food. One must have some skills to offer and punching buttons on a cash register does not warrant $15/hour. You either completely missed the POINT of my post or just chose to apply feelings and emotions and ignored it.

Oh, and it is not a case of being smart, it is a case of at least being intelligent enough to realize that selling hamburgers is no way to make a living. It should illustrate to you that you need to obtain some kind of skills to offer to the world.
“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

So when everyone has a skill that is greater than the ability to cook burgers who will serve you at Wendy’s? There are only so many jobs out there. I did not say they deserved $15/hr but they do deserve to live. As a conservative I’m sure your an anti-icecream guy. How do you expect them to not take icecream if they don’t have the means to support themselves? Would you rather they just die?

There are lots versions of “southern”. Maybe your southern didn’t match up as well with the African American teenager southern across the counter.

First, Most, Biggest

There are a lot of jobs out there if you just look for them.
Maybe not making 15.00 dollars a hour but enough for people
to live on without going looking for a hand out from the gov.

Or just setting on there lazy ass an *****ing because they
can’t get a job that pays big bucks for them doing nothing.
Went to hire a guy an said would pay him 10.00 a hour an
next thing out of his mouth was then I won’t work to hard.
Think he got the Job ?

Just Venting from trying to get someone that will work.

So when everyone has a skill that is greater than the ability to cook burgers who will serve you at Wendy's?

Fast food jobs are for kids, college students and people looking for a little extra part-time money, NOT a sole means of employment to support a family. I don’t think the skills of a kid will be so great they will be over-qualified to flip burgers so no worries about who will serve me at Wendy’s.

As far as supporting themselves, I’ll say it again. Accrue some kind of marketable SKILLS. Those skills to don’t have to be intelligence based, they can be anything that gives them an edge over someone that has no skills.

{quote]Would you rather they just die?

Really? So very liberal of you.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Most common tech. fields " electrician , plumber , carpenter , masonary , ect, ect, don’t require an extensive education and usually
pay well , they only require you to have the ability to read a little,
count past your fingers and toes and to work (move a little off the couch) and show up on time !! OH SHAT I just eliminated 99% of possible work force.:frowning_face::frowning_face:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Dang gail! You just eliminated me with all those requirements![:0]

Couch is my issue , it’s why I retired !!:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Me to! Love my couch time, but I stay active. I have a camo blanket and I’m actively hiding from the wife under it right now:smiley:

gail, you left out actually wanting & willing to work! That seems to be a big part of the problem too!

Maybe your southern didn't match up as well with the African American teenager southern across the counter.

Great White, maybe I missed something, but I’ve read this entire thread 3 times and can’t find where the persons in question mentioned by DFreedom matched your statement? Why are you assuming them to be African American or even teenage?

IMO, a very large portion of people who end up in these type jobs cannot communicate very well, verbally or otherwise. Too many cannot even comprehend basic English, and that includes many born here to parents who did not immigrate. Far too many cannot do basic math to make proper change, and have to rely on the register to get the correct amount & even there some struggle.

But, this has little to do with their age or race, ethnicity or country of origin. It’s due to a serious problem with our educational system and a wide spread problem and that certainly is reason enough that they don’t deserve $15 per hour to do these types of jobs, particularly when compared to other jobs that require much higher skill levels and even basic communication or math skills.

In my 18 years with Domino’s Pizza, I knew many people, young & older who could only work in these types of minimum wage jobs & many who had ambitions to do better for themselves. Those with the ambitions & desire made the effort to gain further education or skill sets and better jobs, but those who lacked the ambition or drive either stayed in the minimum wage job at Domino’s, or they moved on to a similar job with another employer. Unfortunately, that’s all they’re ever qualified to do.

IMO, forcing employers to pay a higher wage than is reasonable helps no one, and is a slap in the face to those who wil

Originally posted by Great White

Just because somebody isn’t smart doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to make a living wage.

DF maybe they couldn’t hear you or understand your accent.

Easy maybe she’s not from around here and has simply never seen it before. My GF is a few months from being a PA grad from MUSC so not exactly a dummy but she’s from Boston and hasn’t spent a ton of time outdoors. She never knew that Pecans grew on trees, or peanuts grew in the ground and green peanuts are bitter (I made her eat one at the grocery store).

Viper, did she get busy with other tables in between and could have forgotten what you said so she put a conservative tip on?</font id=“red”>

We all make mistakes. Anyone ever walk to a room across the house and forgot what you went to get? Just because Sally at Denny’s didn’t give herself a big tip doesn’t mean she should have to make so little she needs government assistance to eat.</font id=“red”>

First, Most, Biggest

What are you talking about? She was a cashier, she didn’t wait on tables and was standing in front of me at the register. I asked her to add a 20% tip on to a $56 dollar tab and she failed and screwed the waitress that was waiting on tables… Guess she used common core math to figure out that $6 was 20% of $56. How much are you getting paid an hour? Reading comprehension, you aren’t doing it right!!

One Simple Thanks!!


Hey Pitviper: Just noticed your banner, glad to see it:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Easy , I try to keep busy too, usually just a few things will send me to the couch , too hot outside , too cold outside , wife feeling frisky…heheheh :question:camo blanket…:smiley::smiley::smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I’m glad my phone has a tip calculator. All I have to do is punch in the total, plus percentage of tip I want to give, & it does the math for me.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Why are you assuming them to be African American or even teenage?

I flat out missed that Bigjim. You’d think a liberal would not make such assumptions. How very racist!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

You guys are being mean! I’m going to go hide under my Camo blanket, on the couch! That’s my Safe Space!:wink: Maybe, make up some Wrench Lures:smiley:

I’ve had a Mickey D across the street from the entrance to where I’ve lived. I don’t eat there often. B’fst once in a while, a hamburger or such here and there in the evening. Not once has my order been wrong, or the food bad. It is what it is. That said, no way is the job they do worth $15/hr. But I’ve never had a problem with them.

My wife was a McD’s manager when we first got married. She worked there for about 10 years. It’s not like it was then, late 70’s early 80’s but in many ways with personnel still the same. It’s still primarily kids who work there.

We don’t eat there very often either, but my wife buys a burger for our dog often enough if she’s out with the dog in the car. She orders the same thing, double cheese burger, plain with no bun. So, all she wants is the meat & cheese and is very specific about that when she orders, because the dog won’t eat the pickles, condiments or bread anyway.
Far too many times they still put pickles, onions & condiments on it. Apparently “plain” is difficult to comprehend.
Then, they often get confused with how to charge her for it. It’s rocket science of course! :wink:

Originally posted by Happy Bob

I’m glad my phone has a tip calculator. All I have to do is punch in the total, plus percentage of tip I want to give, & it does the math for me.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

It actually takes longer to unlock your phone, scroll to & open the app, type the numbers in, and get your tip amount than it does to look at the number and calculate the tip in your head.


It actually takes longer to unlock your phone, scroll to & open the app, type the numbers in, and get your tip amount than it does to look at the number and calculate the tip in your head.

Ain’t that the truth:smiley: I reckon I’ve been blessed by being able to do simple math in my head. If the bill is $53 then 10% is $5.30 and 20% is twice that, $10.60. Easy:smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
It actually takes longer to unlock your phone, scroll to & open the app, type the numbers in, and get your tip amount than it does to look at the number and calculate the tip in your head.

Ain’t that the truth:smiley: I reckon I’ve been blessed by being able to do simple math in my head. If the bill is $53 then 10% is $5.30 and 20% is twice that, $10.60. Easy:smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

So true cracker!! Math is not hard. and to make it even easier on the $53 if the service was ok round up to $60. :smiley: Makes it even easier after a couple of adult beverages.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by DFreedom
Why are you assuming them to be African American or even teenage?

I flat out missed that Bigjim. You’d think a liberal would not make such assumptions. How very racist!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’ve found that the bleeding hearts who swear they’re the most “in touch” are actually the least, but their arrogance blinds them from realizing it…:face_with_head_bandage:

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”