1986 Mako 231 Rebuild

Well, haven’t made much progress but the project is still alive. Had to put it on pause for the last year or so, and still don’t have much time to work on it but I need something to de-stress from the real world so trying to make some time with the boat.

Managed to haul it all the way from VA to Groton, CT and get moved into it’s new home without incident. Put a lot of time and money into getting the crappy trailer right - brakes, new tires, lights, etc. Got a ShelterLogic 12x24x11 barn roof shelter, man am I glad I did this. Trailer doesn’t quite fit, so I built a couple quick plywood and tarp panels to close up around the tongue. If you’re working on a boat project and have the space I highly recommend biting the bullet and getting some sort of real shelter up front - makes a world of difference. Way better setup than I had in VA, and no neighbors to call the HOA on me. Just have to find time to work on it now.

I hauled a bunch of crap and all my supplies up here in the boat, so first step was cleaning it out again and getting organized. Been working on a lot of ideas for interior and below deck layouts, and some designs for console/leaning post. Once I settle on where everything is going I’ll put the rigging tubes in, reinforce and fair the hull sides, and lay down the deck. I’ve decided that since buying a new Hermco isn’t a thing anymore I’m going to build my own, so been working on a plan of attack for that also.

Can’t promise I’m going to start flying through this, but maybe at least I can start crawling again!

Angler 204 FX
Yamaha 150

Glad to see your still working! Thanks for the update and picts good luck in yanky land, keep us posted on the progress!

Looks like you in the country up there in Yankee Land. They got more rules about hazardous waste up there so good thing you got rid of all that foam down south. Hope the rest of your build goes as well…you can microwave the resin…the key is not too much. Get your itch back on soon.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman